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    Sadr calls for packets with the crowd elements of the "non-compliant"

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Sadr calls for packets with the crowd elements of the "non-compliant" Empty Sadr calls for packets with the crowd elements of the "non-compliant"

    Post by Rocky Tue 20 Sep 2016, 3:17 am

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    Sadr calls for packets with the crowd elements of the "non-compliant"

     BAGHDAD / long-Presse 

    Called the cleric Moqtada al - Sadr, on Monday, all the elements of the popular crowd to abide by the rules of security checkpoints, while employees of the checkpoints student todeal firmly with the elements of the crowd is Almltzmen.orda to a question from one of his followers on (subjected Iraqi army soldiers and employees of the checkpoints specifically to harassment and cursing and even fire sometimes some people who identify themselves with the popular crowd and because we are trying to confirm their identities before the passage of thecheckpoints in order to miss the opportunity for terrorists to pass Satratna dressed in the popular crowd), al- Sadr said he was "all members of the crowd abide by the rules of barriers and checkpoints . " . 
    He called al- Sadr, the employees of the checkpoints "act decisively with non - observant" .ooukat clashes between members of the movement nujaba security forces, recently, in the Zaafaraniya district of Baghdad, after the movement members tried to arrest one Alochkas.oukalt nujaba movement of the time that themovement "ensures the security of citizens and we have intelligence information indicating that theorganization is trying to target some areas, places and markets commercial suicide bombers was the last blast in the city 's Karrada best proof of that and that is the duty of the resistance and legitimate moral provide all what can be in order to maintain the security of innocent citizens without waiting for permission from one especially since there a clear flaw in this matter because of some accomplices within the security services , which teaches them far and wide , ".opent movement that" although the nujaba movement iseager to respect the law and not abuse of state institutions and the arrest of the leader Aldaasha group intelligence belonging to Major - General XII within the crowd popular supervised by nujaba movement. "

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