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Academics and activists warn of overtaking on the provisions of the Constitution
Baghdad / term
Academics, intellectuals, lawyers and political activists and civilians were warned of thenegative consequences of why the state trend toward legislation restricting freedoms and democratic rights guaranteed by theConstitution , laws, and they added to the fear that is what Added to imports of municipalities , which legitimized the House of Representatives last week , the beginning of a campaign that violate freedoms and the Bill of Rights democracy to the Iraqi people.
this came in Nhaor a seminar organized by the Foundation range of media, culture and arts on Saturday under the title "freedom first ... a democratic Iraq in the face of Islamization political challenges."
vote quorum minus the
first speakers was Rep . Joseph Saliwa who confirmed that paragraph Added to the law relating to a total ban on alcohol did not read the first reading and the second time, as the rules of procedure of the House ofRepresentatives serving because they were added on the last day without prior knowledge of the deputies, but some MPs have not seen it, and the number of deputies who voted for it did not exceed the session. He Saliwa belief that political pressure is exerted on the Presidency of the Council of Representatives to pass thelaw as the violator of the assets in place.
The MP Saliwa " The issue is not only related to the prevention of alcohol, but there are goals more than that, the Islamization of laws, and hit the provisions of the Constitution roughshod "noting that while everyone declares their commitment to the Constitution, the" stick some part of it does not stick to another part ,"explaining that quite a few of Representatives seeks to fix it to challenge the mechanism in which the paragraph was added in the voting mechanism. He said , "we collected so far signed by 33 MPs against this law, and among the signatories representatives of Islamist parties."
Law alternatives
For his part , called on the Muslim writer Ghalib Shabandar to "put forward alternatives to the law, such as a law controls to prevent the entry of alcohol to specific places or prevent wasteful him "but he pointed out that when the legislation that such a law" must be linked to what is happening in the corridors of politics, politics isbehind everything, and why Mahmoud Hassan without the other is from the effects of the subject? because frankly has lost everything and therefore it does such things in order win votes in the next election and the membership of the parliament. "
For his part , judge and former MP Wael Abdul Latif said in his speech, that the framers of the Constitution differed too much about the concept of freedom and interpretation, said Abdul Latif when writing Article II there was a disagreement between radical Islam and civilian forces that found support from civil society organizations, and this was the second article in three paragraphs of first Islam is the state religion and may not be legislation laws inconsistent with the provisions of Islam, and when we told them they gave us what are the constants agreed Islam. You disagree prayer, fasting and pilgrimage times, but they're on the article, Latif said that the current civil in the Constitution Drafting Committee insisted on the development ofparagraph (b) , which says he may not enact a law incompatible with democracy, and that there are rights and freedoms should not enact a law that contradicts with it, but it seems that those militant her voice higher, and that is stuck to paragraph own Sharia law and exceeded deliberate paragraph freedoms which demonstrates that there is a determination to pass this paragraph without looking at what confirmed by theConstitution of respect for personal freedoms.
as feminist shiny Talabani confirmed that Islamist parties are trying to fool the audience through the decisions linked to religion, and Badilogiat ideological concepts clan, adding Talabani some political forces in an effort to acquire the legislation parliament and converted into a religious provisions, Fadavo this paragraph that areincompatible with the concept of freedom and would be a prelude to bite off one freedom after another.
from Hanbh retired judge Hadi Aziz said: "We asked the authorities and politicians to define the provisions of the fundamentals of Islam and every person knows the fundamentals of his doctrine , but we found ajudgment Egyptian constitutional court when it was challenged divorce law, The provisions of thefundamentals of Islam are deterministic , such as prayer and is five times the Ramadan month of one, either verdicts non - deterministic, they are not one of the constants, including the killing of the apostate and married a second wife. "
Aziz explained that this is a big legacy against the restriction of freedoms, and can not easily deal with him only through the parking senior intellectuals, as well as the establishment of a large organization to repel laws that restrict freedoms. " Aziz said that the law can not be vetoed by the president, and this is about theFederal Court , which could be through sued by the House of Representatives declared void because of thesuspicion of lack of the monument is completed or for a foul paragraph Municipalities Law.
Do not display the meeting televised
spokesman for the speaker of parliament Emad al - Khafaji Commenting on what was raised about not broadcast the meeting at which passed the law said that: " the right of citizens to access to information providing that the parliamentary session in which the law proceeded, if there was the decision not tobroadcast because of Ashura and the ambiance is forbidden , this is wrong . " said al - Khafaji that " theopinion of the Speaker of parliament is that this paragraph is well thought out and it 's inconsistent with theprovisions of the Constitution , " pointing out that "perhaps could have been for the Court and the parliament opinion stabbed in the session, especially as they were not quorum."
he expressed his personal opinion that he "can not prevent these things are in Iraq , outstanding Ptaddath and the presence of many denominations in it. "
Law does not respect the pluralistic society ,
deputy secretary of the Central drafters of the Communist Party Raid Fahmi believed that" this paragraph of the most dangerous materials prepared by the Iraqi parliament, not stipulating only, but subsequent repercussions, it is not a substance that prevents the wine according to , but bomb material, and it will have different dimensions, and this relates to two issues: what state you want? The nature of the required community? "," We are a pluralistic society religiously and culturally, and that the legislation that such a law is the exclusion of the community groups, "adding that" Iraq 's history and found it a big community Fords havebeen associated with authoritarian policies led to the displacement of a great injustice. "
Among my understanding that "Iraqi constitution and the forces that came after the change stressed that theConstitution takes the principle of pluralism well, paragraph 2 emphasizes the balance, and can not be abreach of this equation now. What happened in the parliament session and clear evidence of extremism, "and believed that" the coercion and the abolition of freedoms in which contrast with the provisions of theConstitution, and this is a trap, it must debate is far from the miscarriage. "
He continued," The clause preventing alcohol related to the reduction of freedoms, nor must enter religions in the case so as not to branch off this issue is a political one . "He noted that" the law did not come from areligious reference, and there are references did not raise such paragraphs "and therefore, the issue ofpolitical and political treated her is important."
glitch parliamentary
artist Ahmed Anal called to "confrontation conscious, they are that solves problems, and stressing that there is a problem with the parliamentarians themselves, and in the election law , which Affershm, and having them in control of the destinies of the people."
he asked anal about "how to pass the law and vote on it even though the quorum was not complete," he added . " can not be political Islam to pass a law destroys the country, and that there is a problem with parliamentarians who belong to political Islam and thinking about politics blocs service, and that political Islam is far from prescribed laws and destroy the country , one of the blessings of the country to Daesh. "
The Anal" these debates are useless now the law began and the official first is the parliament speaker Salim al - Jubouri, and the other in the constitution , which must be of changing the problem, every month will come out of us someone like Mahmoud Hassan and change what he wants because the Constitution was written unilaterally. "
part of the social battle - cultural ,
civil rights activist Dr. Jassim Al Hilfi " The pass so kind of laws that are legislation, deduced from democracy ,civil and private freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution is dangerous values."
he added, "these laws are incompatible with the civil state , which can not build democracy without it , and that there are those who interpret the law like chimes with democracy, as expressing the opinion of themajority, and if democracy, as the wrong imaginable, is only elections and transfer of power, the meaning ofdemocracy stale deformed, that did not believe in minority rights and respect. "
he noted that" preventing the import, manufacture and sale of liquor is no maximum him up imports municipal controversial law, the fact is that the first step toward pounce on the pillars of building a civil state, despite everything that was accompanied by steps to the first building of the gaps and shortcomings and mistakes. "
" the struggle over this law, it is not beyond the scope of conflict over the form and content of the state, there are those who work to make it a religious state, and there are those who seek to build a civil anddemocratic state, state citizenship and social justice, and constitutional institutions. "
He said the " mental initiated law expressed the desire and the will of the powerful who seek to reproduce power and perpetuate their presence, and that of this law was enacted does not feel responsibility, is how thelaws were not among the priorities of the citizen and the interests of this type of legislation, but that security and safety, stability and the provision of basic services related to life, is what aspires eyes of the citizen. " On
the other hand confirmed Hilfi, "those who began this law and voted for him, they are not servants of thereligion and its protectors, and not faith and piety are the main attributes that characterize their personalities, some of whom had nothing to do with religion, but is found in the cover of religion to install its presence inpower . " he explained that " a lot opponents of the law who are not drinkers of alcohol, the facts suggest that there are important personalities and stood against this law, which has not tasted in her vintage drop ,"noting that" what happened is to exploit fishy because of the atmosphere, Mtsourin weakness of civil society, and forgetting that trend civilian in Iraq , strong and can not be ignored. "
failed policies produced negative phenomena
academic Abdul Jassim al - Saadi pointed out that" the two parliaments wanted to enact the law Jaafari yesterday and today embark Prevention Act of alcohol "and called the face of these trends, but felt that" our writers and universities, mechanisms and media and all nothing, but the work is structured, this seminar andany other seminar should have the results to raise social awareness. "
Saadi said that the failed policies pursued led to the spread of negative social phenomena," there is, forexample , schools for girls are being where drug use "and" these must access to them , sociology, philosophy , and other things better. "
As a researcher Ali Taher said that" political Islam is political so choose verses pick and evidence of many about that, Valmarjaip spoke much about privileges, but they did not respond , and today they are committed to religious matters and this contradiction. "
he added that" reference talked about volunteering, but they did not abide by and founded entity equivalent to the state is a popular crowd, and of course should be pressed by the elites and the street also to prevent thepass laws such as banning alcohol. "
striking diversity in society
researcher Saeb numb, he saw his part that" the law is dangerous for minorities do not belong to themajority, and this affects the diversity, minorities will be affected by the economic Bmordaa and also staying in the capital Baghdad and other cities in the center and south . "He added," these things are restrictions, and this leads to displacement , "stressing that" the speech , which was adopted by Mahmoud Hassan said a serious sentence , namely: "you are in the lands of the Muslims" and pointing out that what is considered minorities "existed in Iraq since ancient times."
He noted that "minorities such as civil currents believes Iraq that brings everyone without any religious character."
felt academic Sattar spring "Iraq is witnessing a major battle against al Daesh and this is a defining moment in the history of Iraq." "The next most dangerous, which means having a strong bearing Adioljah has money and power, you highlight them, and now we face a lot of problems in the field of education and the general political situation and the other", and stressed the need to have the slogan "fight Aldoashh" a priority at this stage . " .
he said the Baghdad Provincial Council decision Farhan Qasim that "blocks , which issued this law , they have no other alternative, and do not have another way to keep what they believe it, and that this law is from thepolitical process outputs for the post - 2003 and the suffering of Iraq 's problems and crises , including in the the field of education our delegations are now nearly 10 million Iraqi and Iraqi illiterate ".".
"in 2003 it was not political Islam alone is the one who decided the nature of the political process, but there are also external forces."
Dashnh state
civil activist triumph Mayali saw that " the situation is going now about Dashnh state in all the joints, and practices issued by the House of Representatives, a list some time ago, and now issued complementary decisions of previous decisions in the same direction. previously there was a separation of the sexes and orders management to impose the so - called uniform decency .. but what are the standards of decency, no one knows. "
She continued," the prevention of freedoms continuously . in Kufa University , for example , there is aprohibition of a make - up too, "and called on members of parliament evaluates their work over thirteen years.
professor of political science at the University of Kufa , Iyad amber stressed that" the parties of political Islam does not approve of the application Sharia, the contrast must search for Tgrathm , "stressing that" freedom is indivisible, but how it can be connected to this matter to the parties of political Islam, the problem that dragging Islamist parties objectors to prevent freedoms to bilateral conflict zones. "
said amber said , " who stands against prevent alcohol should not accept dragged him to stand against Islam area, it is possible to expose these parties and drag it into the right areas of conflict , "and added that such" Education Minister Mohammad Iqbal and not to distribute his ministry curriculum best proof of that. "
He said," the Islamist parties able to Almamath dramatically, taking advantage of the time, in the liberation ofMosul operations exited the issue of re - vice president of the republic, and the issue of accusing the former Nineveh governor Ethel Nujaifi conspiracy and communicating with foreign, and finally they have enacted toprevent the liquor law so as not to open the corruption files. "
Islamists are no projects
media Ali Awsi said: "all that is happening now from infringement on human rights , but being the name ofIslam but Islam him innocent , " noting that " the taboo in many of Islam, such as poverty and the looting of the people 's money and fraud, how is the selection of the issue of wine only. This case unrelated to Islamize the state only. "He added that" there is a lack of projects with the Islamists do not economically or culturally project to have, not even a religious project. "
Political science professor at the University of Mustansiriya raised Aljaasur stressed in his speech that" everyone agrees that Mahassa system is what brought things to this format, "he added , " can not be traction to majority minority formula, and when we get rid of these concepts we will have a society intact. "
he Aljaasur that" the problem is that he has now processed the result and not the cause or the culprit, and the issue of Mosul stark example so we are busy with the result and we got him and we talk about the reason for the offending. "
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Academics and activists warn of overtaking on the provisions of the Constitution
Baghdad / term
long held a seminar "Nhaor" to discuss the encroachment of the House of Representatives on freedoms
Academics, intellectuals, lawyers and political activists and civilians were warned of thenegative consequences of why the state trend toward legislation restricting freedoms and democratic rights guaranteed by theConstitution , laws, and they added to the fear that is what Added to imports of municipalities , which legitimized the House of Representatives last week , the beginning of a campaign that violate freedoms and the Bill of Rights democracy to the Iraqi people.
this came in Nhaor a seminar organized by the Foundation range of media, culture and arts on Saturday under the title "freedom first ... a democratic Iraq in the face of Islamization political challenges."
vote quorum minus the
first speakers was Rep . Joseph Saliwa who confirmed that paragraph Added to the law relating to a total ban on alcohol did not read the first reading and the second time, as the rules of procedure of the House ofRepresentatives serving because they were added on the last day without prior knowledge of the deputies, but some MPs have not seen it, and the number of deputies who voted for it did not exceed the session. He Saliwa belief that political pressure is exerted on the Presidency of the Council of Representatives to pass thelaw as the violator of the assets in place.
The MP Saliwa " The issue is not only related to the prevention of alcohol, but there are goals more than that, the Islamization of laws, and hit the provisions of the Constitution roughshod "noting that while everyone declares their commitment to the Constitution, the" stick some part of it does not stick to another part ,"explaining that quite a few of Representatives seeks to fix it to challenge the mechanism in which the paragraph was added in the voting mechanism. He said , "we collected so far signed by 33 MPs against this law, and among the signatories representatives of Islamist parties."
Law alternatives
For his part , called on the Muslim writer Ghalib Shabandar to "put forward alternatives to the law, such as a law controls to prevent the entry of alcohol to specific places or prevent wasteful him "but he pointed out that when the legislation that such a law" must be linked to what is happening in the corridors of politics, politics isbehind everything, and why Mahmoud Hassan without the other is from the effects of the subject? because frankly has lost everything and therefore it does such things in order win votes in the next election and the membership of the parliament. "
For his part , judge and former MP Wael Abdul Latif said in his speech, that the framers of the Constitution differed too much about the concept of freedom and interpretation, said Abdul Latif when writing Article II there was a disagreement between radical Islam and civilian forces that found support from civil society organizations, and this was the second article in three paragraphs of first Islam is the state religion and may not be legislation laws inconsistent with the provisions of Islam, and when we told them they gave us what are the constants agreed Islam. You disagree prayer, fasting and pilgrimage times, but they're on the article, Latif said that the current civil in the Constitution Drafting Committee insisted on the development ofparagraph (b) , which says he may not enact a law incompatible with democracy, and that there are rights and freedoms should not enact a law that contradicts with it, but it seems that those militant her voice higher, and that is stuck to paragraph own Sharia law and exceeded deliberate paragraph freedoms which demonstrates that there is a determination to pass this paragraph without looking at what confirmed by theConstitution of respect for personal freedoms.
as feminist shiny Talabani confirmed that Islamist parties are trying to fool the audience through the decisions linked to religion, and Badilogiat ideological concepts clan, adding Talabani some political forces in an effort to acquire the legislation parliament and converted into a religious provisions, Fadavo this paragraph that areincompatible with the concept of freedom and would be a prelude to bite off one freedom after another.
from Hanbh retired judge Hadi Aziz said: "We asked the authorities and politicians to define the provisions of the fundamentals of Islam and every person knows the fundamentals of his doctrine , but we found ajudgment Egyptian constitutional court when it was challenged divorce law, The provisions of thefundamentals of Islam are deterministic , such as prayer and is five times the Ramadan month of one, either verdicts non - deterministic, they are not one of the constants, including the killing of the apostate and married a second wife. "
Aziz explained that this is a big legacy against the restriction of freedoms, and can not easily deal with him only through the parking senior intellectuals, as well as the establishment of a large organization to repel laws that restrict freedoms. " Aziz said that the law can not be vetoed by the president, and this is about theFederal Court , which could be through sued by the House of Representatives declared void because of thesuspicion of lack of the monument is completed or for a foul paragraph Municipalities Law.
Do not display the meeting televised
spokesman for the speaker of parliament Emad al - Khafaji Commenting on what was raised about not broadcast the meeting at which passed the law said that: " the right of citizens to access to information providing that the parliamentary session in which the law proceeded, if there was the decision not tobroadcast because of Ashura and the ambiance is forbidden , this is wrong . " said al - Khafaji that " theopinion of the Speaker of parliament is that this paragraph is well thought out and it 's inconsistent with theprovisions of the Constitution , " pointing out that "perhaps could have been for the Court and the parliament opinion stabbed in the session, especially as they were not quorum."
he expressed his personal opinion that he "can not prevent these things are in Iraq , outstanding Ptaddath and the presence of many denominations in it. "
Law does not respect the pluralistic society ,
deputy secretary of the Central drafters of the Communist Party Raid Fahmi believed that" this paragraph of the most dangerous materials prepared by the Iraqi parliament, not stipulating only, but subsequent repercussions, it is not a substance that prevents the wine according to , but bomb material, and it will have different dimensions, and this relates to two issues: what state you want? The nature of the required community? "," We are a pluralistic society religiously and culturally, and that the legislation that such a law is the exclusion of the community groups, "adding that" Iraq 's history and found it a big community Fords havebeen associated with authoritarian policies led to the displacement of a great injustice. "
Among my understanding that "Iraqi constitution and the forces that came after the change stressed that theConstitution takes the principle of pluralism well, paragraph 2 emphasizes the balance, and can not be abreach of this equation now. What happened in the parliament session and clear evidence of extremism, "and believed that" the coercion and the abolition of freedoms in which contrast with the provisions of theConstitution, and this is a trap, it must debate is far from the miscarriage. "
He continued," The clause preventing alcohol related to the reduction of freedoms, nor must enter religions in the case so as not to branch off this issue is a political one . "He noted that" the law did not come from areligious reference, and there are references did not raise such paragraphs "and therefore, the issue ofpolitical and political treated her is important."
glitch parliamentary
artist Ahmed Anal called to "confrontation conscious, they are that solves problems, and stressing that there is a problem with the parliamentarians themselves, and in the election law , which Affershm, and having them in control of the destinies of the people."
he asked anal about "how to pass the law and vote on it even though the quorum was not complete," he added . " can not be political Islam to pass a law destroys the country, and that there is a problem with parliamentarians who belong to political Islam and thinking about politics blocs service, and that political Islam is far from prescribed laws and destroy the country , one of the blessings of the country to Daesh. "
The Anal" these debates are useless now the law began and the official first is the parliament speaker Salim al - Jubouri, and the other in the constitution , which must be of changing the problem, every month will come out of us someone like Mahmoud Hassan and change what he wants because the Constitution was written unilaterally. "
part of the social battle - cultural ,
civil rights activist Dr. Jassim Al Hilfi " The pass so kind of laws that are legislation, deduced from democracy ,civil and private freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution is dangerous values."
he added, "these laws are incompatible with the civil state , which can not build democracy without it , and that there are those who interpret the law like chimes with democracy, as expressing the opinion of themajority, and if democracy, as the wrong imaginable, is only elections and transfer of power, the meaning ofdemocracy stale deformed, that did not believe in minority rights and respect. "
he noted that" preventing the import, manufacture and sale of liquor is no maximum him up imports municipal controversial law, the fact is that the first step toward pounce on the pillars of building a civil state, despite everything that was accompanied by steps to the first building of the gaps and shortcomings and mistakes. "
" the struggle over this law, it is not beyond the scope of conflict over the form and content of the state, there are those who work to make it a religious state, and there are those who seek to build a civil anddemocratic state, state citizenship and social justice, and constitutional institutions. "
He said the " mental initiated law expressed the desire and the will of the powerful who seek to reproduce power and perpetuate their presence, and that of this law was enacted does not feel responsibility, is how thelaws were not among the priorities of the citizen and the interests of this type of legislation, but that security and safety, stability and the provision of basic services related to life, is what aspires eyes of the citizen. " On
the other hand confirmed Hilfi, "those who began this law and voted for him, they are not servants of thereligion and its protectors, and not faith and piety are the main attributes that characterize their personalities, some of whom had nothing to do with religion, but is found in the cover of religion to install its presence inpower . " he explained that " a lot opponents of the law who are not drinkers of alcohol, the facts suggest that there are important personalities and stood against this law, which has not tasted in her vintage drop ,"noting that" what happened is to exploit fishy because of the atmosphere, Mtsourin weakness of civil society, and forgetting that trend civilian in Iraq , strong and can not be ignored. "
failed policies produced negative phenomena
academic Abdul Jassim al - Saadi pointed out that" the two parliaments wanted to enact the law Jaafari yesterday and today embark Prevention Act of alcohol "and called the face of these trends, but felt that" our writers and universities, mechanisms and media and all nothing, but the work is structured, this seminar andany other seminar should have the results to raise social awareness. "
Saadi said that the failed policies pursued led to the spread of negative social phenomena," there is, forexample , schools for girls are being where drug use "and" these must access to them , sociology, philosophy , and other things better. "
As a researcher Ali Taher said that" political Islam is political so choose verses pick and evidence of many about that, Valmarjaip spoke much about privileges, but they did not respond , and today they are committed to religious matters and this contradiction. "
he added that" reference talked about volunteering, but they did not abide by and founded entity equivalent to the state is a popular crowd, and of course should be pressed by the elites and the street also to prevent thepass laws such as banning alcohol. "
striking diversity in society
researcher Saeb numb, he saw his part that" the law is dangerous for minorities do not belong to themajority, and this affects the diversity, minorities will be affected by the economic Bmordaa and also staying in the capital Baghdad and other cities in the center and south . "He added," these things are restrictions, and this leads to displacement , "stressing that" the speech , which was adopted by Mahmoud Hassan said a serious sentence , namely: "you are in the lands of the Muslims" and pointing out that what is considered minorities "existed in Iraq since ancient times."
He noted that "minorities such as civil currents believes Iraq that brings everyone without any religious character."
felt academic Sattar spring "Iraq is witnessing a major battle against al Daesh and this is a defining moment in the history of Iraq." "The next most dangerous, which means having a strong bearing Adioljah has money and power, you highlight them, and now we face a lot of problems in the field of education and the general political situation and the other", and stressed the need to have the slogan "fight Aldoashh" a priority at this stage . " .
he said the Baghdad Provincial Council decision Farhan Qasim that "blocks , which issued this law , they have no other alternative, and do not have another way to keep what they believe it, and that this law is from thepolitical process outputs for the post - 2003 and the suffering of Iraq 's problems and crises , including in the the field of education our delegations are now nearly 10 million Iraqi and Iraqi illiterate ".".
"in 2003 it was not political Islam alone is the one who decided the nature of the political process, but there are also external forces."
Dashnh state
civil activist triumph Mayali saw that " the situation is going now about Dashnh state in all the joints, and practices issued by the House of Representatives, a list some time ago, and now issued complementary decisions of previous decisions in the same direction. previously there was a separation of the sexes and orders management to impose the so - called uniform decency .. but what are the standards of decency, no one knows. "
She continued," the prevention of freedoms continuously . in Kufa University , for example , there is aprohibition of a make - up too, "and called on members of parliament evaluates their work over thirteen years.
professor of political science at the University of Kufa , Iyad amber stressed that" the parties of political Islam does not approve of the application Sharia, the contrast must search for Tgrathm , "stressing that" freedom is indivisible, but how it can be connected to this matter to the parties of political Islam, the problem that dragging Islamist parties objectors to prevent freedoms to bilateral conflict zones. "
said amber said , " who stands against prevent alcohol should not accept dragged him to stand against Islam area, it is possible to expose these parties and drag it into the right areas of conflict , "and added that such" Education Minister Mohammad Iqbal and not to distribute his ministry curriculum best proof of that. "
He said," the Islamist parties able to Almamath dramatically, taking advantage of the time, in the liberation ofMosul operations exited the issue of re - vice president of the republic, and the issue of accusing the former Nineveh governor Ethel Nujaifi conspiracy and communicating with foreign, and finally they have enacted toprevent the liquor law so as not to open the corruption files. "
Islamists are no projects
media Ali Awsi said: "all that is happening now from infringement on human rights , but being the name ofIslam but Islam him innocent , " noting that " the taboo in many of Islam, such as poverty and the looting of the people 's money and fraud, how is the selection of the issue of wine only. This case unrelated to Islamize the state only. "He added that" there is a lack of projects with the Islamists do not economically or culturally project to have, not even a religious project. "
Political science professor at the University of Mustansiriya raised Aljaasur stressed in his speech that" everyone agrees that Mahassa system is what brought things to this format, "he added , " can not be traction to majority minority formula, and when we get rid of these concepts we will have a society intact. "
he Aljaasur that" the problem is that he has now processed the result and not the cause or the culprit, and the issue of Mosul stark example so we are busy with the result and we got him and we talk about the reason for the offending. "
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» US efforts to combat air pollution in Iraq
Today at 4:57 am by Rocky
» Employee salaries will be delayed and may be reduced.. Iraq enters the danger zone due to oil - Urge
Today at 4:56 am by Rocky
» A spiral of crises threatens the Iraqi political system... “The trend of surprises” may topple the p
Today at 4:54 am by Rocky
» Faw Grand Port: Iraq’s Gateway to the World Prepares for Takeoff Despite Challenges
Today at 4:52 am by Rocky
» Al-Maliki: The repercussions of encroachment on the judiciary may be more dangerous than terrorism!
Today at 4:51 am by Rocky
» Sand warns: The next strike against Al-Sudani is because of one of the ministers
Today at 4:49 am by Rocky
» A "cold war" between Al-Sudani and Al-Maliki before a hot election year
Today at 4:48 am by Rocky
» Iraq to introduce solar energy system to homes soon
Today at 4:47 am by Rocky
» Dohuk Governor discusses with Turkish Ambassador to Baghdad developing trade exchange between Erbil
Today at 4:46 am by Rocky
» Warnings against increasing MPs’ salaries: It may negatively affect the Iraqi economy
Today at 4:44 am by Rocky
» A vital project in Kirkuk to transform wastewater and rainwater into sustainable agricultural wealth
Today at 4:44 am by Rocky
» The repercussions of the “theft of the century” in Iraq.. Al-Maliki defends the judiciary and Al-Hak
Today at 4:42 am by Rocky
» Parliamentarian warns: Iraq will enter a civil war in this case
Today at 4:41 am by Rocky
» Members of Congress: Iranian oil is sold under the name of Iraqi oil!
Today at 4:40 am by Rocky
» Industry launches new investment opportunities for various sectors
Today at 4:38 am by Rocky
» Spokesman for the Commander-in-Chief: Iraq continues to build its air capabilities in a way that sec
Today at 4:36 am by Rocky
» Iranian President to visit Baghdad in mid-September
Today at 4:35 am by Rocky
» What is the agreement that took place between Iraq and America?
Today at 4:34 am by Rocky
» Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani visits the South Baghdad Power Plant,
Today at 4:33 am by Rocky
» Iraq announces 100% completion of development road designs
Today at 4:31 am by Rocky
» Faw Port's berths exceed 98%, accommodating five giant ships at the same time
Today at 4:30 am by Rocky
» Parliamentary Committee Denies Al-Sudani Advisor’s Statements on Railway Project: We Will Blow Up Yo
Today at 4:28 am by Rocky
» Will the US withdrawal schedule from Iraq begin? The Pentagon refutes the story
Today at 4:25 am by Rocky
» Finance will suffer.. What does the drop in the price of a barrel of Iraqi oil to $70 mean?
Today at 4:24 am by Rocky
» Who is responsible for the fluctuation of the dollar price?
Today at 4:21 am by Rocky
» Paper nationality leaves the scene.. 93% of Iraqis now have a unified card
Today at 4:20 am by Rocky
» Passing the investment law within two weeks.. What are the positives?
Today at 4:18 am by Rocky
» utube 9/4/24 MM&C Iraq Dinar- #iraqidinar -#xrp -Global Partnerships-Security-Stability-Economic-Co
Yesterday at 5:05 am by Rocky
» The theft of the century has mixed up its cards and its rope has been lost in its arrows
Yesterday at 5:04 am by Rocky
» Members of Congress: Iranian oil is sold under the name of Iraqi oil!
Yesterday at 4:59 am by Rocky
» With simple interest.. Agriculture announces the imminent launch of loans for farmers
Yesterday at 4:55 am by Rocky
» Chairman of the Integrity Commission: We are determined to draw up a six-year strategy to combat cor
Yesterday at 4:53 am by Rocky
» Türkiye: Iraq's progress in combating terrorism is not enough
Yesterday at 4:51 am by Rocky
» Transparency: Sulaymaniyah and Halabja imports during one week amounted to more than 11 billion dina
Yesterday at 4:49 am by Rocky
» Mr. Al-Hakim: We hope for a quick decision on the presidency of Parliament, and we must resort to th
Yesterday at 4:46 am by Rocky
» Minister of Resources reveals the size of Iraq's water reserves
Yesterday at 4:45 am by Rocky
» Parliamentary Services reveals the percentage of completed projects compared to those that have been
Yesterday at 4:43 am by Rocky
» Will the drop in oil affect salaries? An economist warns
Yesterday at 4:42 am by Rocky
» Commander-in-Chief spokesman: Iraq has achieved advanced levels in installing radars and air defense
Yesterday at 4:40 am by Rocky
» Spy network in Sudani office embarrasses government
Yesterday at 4:38 am by Rocky
» See the losses incurred by Iraq due to the region's oil smuggling
Yesterday at 4:37 am by Rocky
» MP holds the Ministry of Foreign Affairs responsible for legal violations in the mechanism for issui
Yesterday at 4:35 am by Rocky
» MP notes on service projects in 6 Baghdad districts
Yesterday at 4:34 am by Rocky
» Jenin Municipality: We have started moving to rebuild the city and the camp, and the government will
Yesterday at 4:33 am by Rocky
» Iraq's North Gas Company increases its production of "liquid" and sulfur
Yesterday at 4:31 am by Rocky
» Chairman of the Integrity Commission: We are determined to draw up a six-year strategy to combat cor
Yesterday at 4:29 am by Rocky
» Washington: We provided financial and technical assistance to 17 companies to enhance agricultural p
Yesterday at 4:27 am by Rocky
» Prime Minister chairs special meeting on electricity sector
Yesterday at 4:26 am by Rocky
» A country neighboring Iraq loses 7.6 hectares of agricultural land daily
Yesterday at 4:24 am by Rocky
» Parliamentary detail on the effects of falling oil prices on the budget
Yesterday at 4:23 am by Rocky
» During 2024.. Northern Gas Production to Increase to More Than 2000 Million Feet
Yesterday at 4:22 am by Rocky
» Basra Council votes on all projects within the 2024 plan
Yesterday at 4:19 am by Rocky
» Iraq announces reduction of oil exports to 3.3 million barrels per day
Yesterday at 4:18 am by Rocky
» Al-Sudani directs to quickly complete the file of appointing holders of higher degrees and top stude
Yesterday at 4:15 am by Rocky
» Is Iraq on its way to becoming an Islamic state? Analysis of the political and religious future
Yesterday at 4:13 am by Rocky
» The Iraqi judiciary... the impregnable fortress of the people and the state
Yesterday at 4:12 am by Rocky
» Crises and events await Iraq if Trump wins, and the reason is "Iran's influence"
Yesterday at 4:11 am by Rocky
» Sami Specter in Kurdistan Tomorrow.. These are the files that will be discussed
Yesterday at 4:09 am by Rocky
» "Third Nationalism" angry with Kirkuk government: We do not believe in political custom and will not
Yesterday at 4:08 am by Rocky
» MP identifies positives of minority law, confirms parliamentary support for its passage - Urgent
Yesterday at 4:07 am by Rocky
» Economist to Al-Zawraa: Iraq needs to sell oil at $96 to cover the budget
Yesterday at 4:05 am by Rocky
» “Drawing the future of technology”.. Iraq intends to launch a satellite at a cost of 30 million doll
Yesterday at 4:04 am by Rocky
» Iraq steps up efforts to double non-oil revenues
Yesterday at 4:03 am by Rocky
» Bakhtiar Haji visits the Ministry of Finance and Economy
Yesterday at 4:01 am by Rocky
» Masrour Barzani: Kurdistan will remain a home for coexistence between different nationalities and re
Yesterday at 4:00 am by Rocky
» Faw Port is approaching launch... but what are the challenges?
Yesterday at 3:59 am by Rocky
» As the Kurdistan Parliament elections approach, the differences between the two ruling parties “esca
Yesterday at 3:58 am by Rocky
» As the Kurdistan Parliament elections approach, the differences between the two ruling parties “esca
Yesterday at 3:56 am by Rocky