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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    A coalition uniting congratulates the Iraqi people to end international sanctions and Iraq out of Ch

    Admin Assist
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    A coalition uniting congratulates the Iraqi people to end international sanctions and Iraq out of Ch Empty A coalition uniting congratulates the Iraqi people to end international sanctions and Iraq out of Ch

    Post by Rocky Fri 28 Jun 2013, 2:59 pm

    A coalition uniting congratulates the Iraqi people to end international sanctions and Iraq out of Chapter VII  

    A coalition uniting congratulates the Iraqi people to end international sanctions and Iraq out of Chapter VII
    June 28, 2013, 7:45 pm
    Here a coalition uniting his representation of the Iraqi people to end the international sanctions against Iraq out of Chapter VII, this came in a statement by Iraqi news agency received a copy of it, which reads as follows:
    "Congratulations coupled with pride for the Iraqi people to restore Iraq's full sovereignty through the historic decision taken by the Security Council to take it out of Chapter VII, and end the tragic era has long suffered from severe international sanctions, imposed as a result of misguided policies and unilateral decisions that made Iraq a threat to international peace and security.
    While we fill up the joy of our hearts, we must take into account that there is a great political responsibility we all have as politicians, community leaders and citizens is to demonstrate that Iraq is able to carry out its tasks in the best national and in establishing national reconciliation as it was serious about reconciliation with the international community, and that the fruits of this resolution will reaped her Iraqi people by overcoming political crises and achieve security, prosperity and development, too self-centered, are able to remove every possible That disturbs civil peace as we have demonstrated that we are able to contribute to the strengthening of international security.
    To exit Iraq from Chapter VII, and without doubt, does not mean its degradation of international obligations and release uncontrolled power, Iraq as any country in the world is governed by international law which should be taken into account, and the Constitution must be respected and taken into account, and assumes a national constants represent the supreme interests and that no party that interprets it, unique in its but disciplined political partnership and the community balance the rights of all, and with full respect for political and civil liberties.
    We congratulate the Iraqi people, to the McCann could be the result of their patience and endurance of suffering and cruelty, and more victories.
    Author: w.a. Iraqis.

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