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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The three presidencies congratulates the Iraqi people on the occasion of Ramadan

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    The three presidencies congratulates the Iraqi people on the occasion of Ramadan Empty The three presidencies congratulates the Iraqi people on the occasion of Ramadan

    Post by Rocky Sat 27 May 2017, 3:25 am

    The three presidencies congratulates the Iraqi people on the occasion of Ramadan

    5/27/2017 0:00

    Baghdad / Al- Sabah
    congratulated the three presidencies, the sons of the Iraqi people and the Arab and Islamic nations on the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan Alkarim.vkd Park President, Fuad Masum, «sons of the Iraqi people and all Muslims on the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan, calling on God Almighty to accept acts of worship and Yemen on everyone good and blessing and peace ».
    The statement added to the Presidency of the Republic, that "by the holy month of Ramadan, President of the Republic of Iraqi fighters salutes heroes chasing the remnants of terrorism and make a brilliant victory soon , God willing , and all Iraqis who are actively defending the freedom of their country and human dignity».
    He added that the infallible "crying out to be the return of all displaced persons, migrants and displaced persons in peace and security to their towns and villages and homes after its liberation and victory in the hands of our heroine the expeditious and cleared of abomination terrorism and criminals."
    Park as prime minister, Haider al - Abadi, the Muslims in Iraq and the world by the holy month of Ramadan.
    Ebadi said, in a statement by the way: «Ehl us blessed month we live moments of historical everything that offends the teachings of our religion which insist our heroine mixed on terrorism and the enemies of Islam unity and cohesion of the Iraqis and ostracism» calling on that «be the month of mercy and forgiveness months to put aside their differences and an opportunity for the advancement of our country . and our people and we are living the last moments of resolving the battle with the enemies of humanity and Islam ».
    In turn, Parliament Speaker Salim al - Jubouri , congratulated the Iraqi people and the Arab and Islamic and the two nations on the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan.
    Jubouri said, according to a statement by his press office received "morning": "I all wishes true that God brings to Iraq and the Iraqi holy month of Ramadan well and blessings, and let this great month , including the magnitude of the meanings of patience and sacrifice, the month of goodness and blessing and victories and displaced families return to their cities and prevail throughout the safety and security of our country. "
    Jubouri said : "I wish God Almighty to bless the Arab and Islamic nation in this virtue , goodness, Yemen and blessings of days, and the beloved Iraq , continued progress and prosperity."

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