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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliament Economic Commission: dollar exchange Astaqrarsar the front of the dinar during the day

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Parliament Economic Commission: dollar exchange Astaqrarsar the front of the dinar during the day  Empty Parliament Economic Commission: dollar exchange Astaqrarsar the front of the dinar during the day

    Post by Rocky Fri 05 Jul 2013, 7:33 pm

    Parliament Economic Commission: dollar exchange Astaqrarsar the front of the dinar during the day 


    BAGHDAD - Awan 07/02/13

    A member of the parliamentary economic and investment Salman al-Moussawi, on Tuesday, the stability of the exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar soon, expecting that the exchange rate up to 120 dinars during the day.

     The MP Moussawi's "Awan" that "the dollar exchange rate fell during these days in front of the Iraqi dinar from 271 dinars to 123 dinars," expected to "up to 120 dinars over the coming days, especially since the teams commission simple between what offered by auction and displayed in Iraqi market. "

    Musawi also denied news of the adoption of banks and private banks unified exchange rate of the dollar, saying "this action is contrary to the principles of economy adopted by the government." And said that "the strength of Iraqi economic sectors, supply and demand is one of the controls at the exchange rate of the dollar."

     As witnessed Iraqi market in recent months from higher in the U.S. dollar فعزاه member of the Economic Commission to "the previous period, while the width of the dollar is not commensurate with the demand for it, but with the passage of days, got a balance between supply and demand which led to the stability of the exchange rate of the dollar after that was controlled the black market created by some intruders. "

     Moussawi stressed that "Iraq operates according to an open market system, and high or low dollar exchange rate depends on the demand existing in the Iraqi market, Hoeks former totalitarian system, which was based closed market policy."

     And between al-Moussawi said "the Economic Committee in the House of Representatives and the executive branch are working on activating economic sectors in the field of industry, trade, agriculture and tourism to raise the strength of the dinar against the dollar.

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