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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Deputy: coalition forces and the Iraqi national will meet today to resolve the home of al-Jubouri s

    Admin Assist
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     Deputy: coalition forces and the Iraqi national will meet today to resolve the home of al-Jubouri s Empty Deputy: coalition forces and the Iraqi national will meet today to resolve the home of al-Jubouri s

    Post by Rocky Mon 26 Dec 2016, 4:02 am

    Deputy: coalition forces and the Iraqi national will meet today to resolve the home of al-Jubouri settlement

    Monday, 26 December 2016 09:54

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    News / Baghdad
    confirmed the MP for the coalition of Iraqi forces triumph Jubouri, on Monday, said ameeting will be held this evening at the home of House Speaker Salim al - Jubouribetween the coalition leaders and the National Alliance , pointing out that the meeting will include the position of the National Alliance of some of the proposals in thepossession of the leaders of coalition forces to resolve the matter in partnership settlement or not. 

    Jubouri said in an interview with Alsumaria News's, said that "there are some parties of the coalition Iraqi forces still thickened its refusal to compromise, at the time that the rest of the coalition parties scrambling to complete the paper settlement component of the Sunni order to display the rest of the political parties."


    He said al - Jubouri, " The meeting will be held this evening at the home of the President of the House of Representatives and leader of the alliance Salim al - Jubouri , the presence of most of the leaders of the forces with representatives of the National Alliance , " indicating that "coalition forces will present at the meeting to see the points that feel they are necessary for the success of the settlement and the statement of the position and the interaction of the National Alliance with It is those points which will clarify the picture or not to proceed with the settlement. " 

    She said al - Jubouri, the "displaced file and some of the laws that we feel it is important and necessary such as accountability, justice and other proposals will be within the coalition forces to meet, in order to find real guarantees to find solutions before proceeding with any settlement." 

    And on the participation of the leader of the coalition are united Osama Najafi meeting, al - Jubouri showed that "Najafi was present , according to our knowledge until yesterday in Baghdad, therefore, the presence of the meeting is to be expected but it has not been decided once and for all." 

    The alliance of the Iraqi forces was held Monday (December 12, 2016) meeting at the home of House Speaker Salim al - Jubouri , the presence of a number of political leaders , religious and tribal Sunni component and icons, while the delayed settlement resolving his position until after the holiday feasts New Year 's Day.[/size]

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