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    Baghdad and Washington sign a sovereign loan of US billion-dollar agreement

    Admin Assist
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    Baghdad and Washington sign a sovereign loan of US billion-dollar agreement Empty Baghdad and Washington sign a sovereign loan of US billion-dollar agreement

    Post by Rocky Fri 06 Jan 2017, 2:00 am

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    The US embassy in Iraq
    Baghdad and Washington sign a sovereign loan of US billion-dollar agreement

    Author: AB 
    Editor: AB 
    1.5.2017 11:46 
    Number of Views: 2233

    Long-Presse / Baghdad
    Announced Alomarkih embassy on Thursday the signing of Iraq and the United States of America an agreement to ensure the US sovereign loan worth billion dollars, and promised that "the first step" to allow greater opportunity for Iraq to enter the international capital markets and "commitment" Washington guide his support in the fight against Daesh, as suggested completion the second step of the formal diplomatic exchange of notes within weeks.
    The US Embassy said in a statement received (range Press), a copy of it, that "the Government of Iraq signed today an agreement loan guarantee with the United States one billion dollars," returned the signature "as a first step in the process that would allow Iraq to a greater opportunity to enter international capital markets. "
    The statement added that "Iraq could yet have been fulfilled legal requirements and taking into account the specific procedures, to move forward to become the beneficiary of the guarantee sovereign loan from the United States," adding that "the loan guarantee this confirms a permanent commitment from the United States to the people and Government of Iraq in their battle against Daesh. "
    The statement continued, "The design of loan guarantee that was to support Iraq financially in his quest Gahd to complete the liberation of Iraq from Daesh and continue the important economic reforms in order to restore growth and prosperity," he said, adding that "the signing, which took place today is the first step to put the finishing touches to ensure the sovereign loan ".
    The statement disclosed that "The second step is to the formal exchange of diplomatic memoranda between the United States of America and the Government of Iraq, under which included the United States Government Government to pay the amount borrowed and the interest of the issuance of sovereign financial support by the Government of Iraq, including a total of billion dollars," expected to "go the second step of the process in the coming weeks."
    The statement quoted the Chargé d'affaires of the Embassy of the United States Stephanie Williams as saying during the signing of the agreement, he said that "these funds will help the Iraqi government on food, water, shelter and medical care to the most vulnerable Iraqis to provide and allow them to benefit from government services such as education and health care that will enable them to build a future promising brighter. "
    The statement said, "The agreement demonstrates on this day that Iraq continues to progress towards achieving its objectives in the economic reform for the benefit of the Iraqi people," pointing out that "the United States Embassy and under the Strategic Framework Agreement, is working closely with the Government of Iraq to ensure that the current economic challenges affect the ongoing campaign to defeat Bdaash. "
    The statement stressed that "sovereign loan guarantee will provide additional support for Iraq as a strategic partner stable, self-reliant United States of America."

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