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    Jubair al-Abbadi discussed with balance and a project file for the reconstruction of 6 provinces

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    Jubair al-Abbadi discussed with balance and a project file for the reconstruction of 6 provinces Empty Jubair al-Abbadi discussed with balance and a project file for the reconstruction of 6 provinces

    Post by Rocky Wed 01 Mar 2017, 1:41 am

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    Jubair al-Abbadi discussed with balance and a project file for the reconstruction of 6 provinces

     BAGHDAD / Mohammad Sabah 

    A two - day visit the first Saudi foreign minister to Iraq after a quarter century of estrangement, circles revealed close to the Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi backstage and official bilateral meetings, and the two sides traded. 
    Revealed political circles for a list of demands carry Jubeir of the Saudi monarch to Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi. These demands have focused on taking into account the balance in the state institutions , including the full rights of Sunni component. The circles indicate that Jubair also carry in his quiver like a project , "Saudi Marshall" for the reconstruction of the Sunni provinces exclusively, in addition to the belt west of the capital, but he bumped into discretely Iraqis. 
    Revealed circles for inviting carry Jubeir to Abadi of the Saudi monarch to visit Saudi Arabia, noting that the Foreign Minister 's visit came in response to an invitation extended by the Iraqi side in 2014 and recognized circles the role of US pressure to carry the Saudi side to end the policy of tension in the region, and openness to Iraq. 
    These data confirm what was published (range), last Saturday, for lengthy negotiations conducted by Iraqi officials in the capitals of regional to open a new page in the relationship between Baghdad and Riyadh. 
    He briefed al - Abadi, according to the same sources, the National Alliance, during a meeting, an Iraqi agreement - Saudi exchange of visits at the highest levels and to ease tensions that followed the removal of the Saudi ambassador Thamer Sabhan last September after accusations to PDF crowd conjunction with the liberalization of Fallujah. 
    The sources confirmed, then, that the rejection of al - Abadi, after he took office, to meet a Saudi official invitation to visit Riyadh , but after visiting Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al - Faisal to Baghdad. 
    The MP said Jassim Mohammed Jaafar, a member of State of Law bloc, in a special statement to (run), " The visiting Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al - Jubeir to Baghdad were not a surprise to us after accepting an invitation by the Iraqi government had been carrying Foreign Minister Ibrahim al - Jaafari , a year ago during his visit to Saudi Arabia , "pointing out that" security conditions and the positions of Ambassador Thamer Sabhan are delayed this visit at this time. " 
    The senior political sources revealed last Saturday, said the visit was scheduled Jubeir about three months ago, but was delayed at the request Abadi on the background of abuse , a Saudi newspaper to religious rites which aroused resentment and anger broad popular. 
    The newspaper had published the Middle East, last November, a fabrication a report that abuse to millions of participants in the forty visit. Following that the Iraqi government has decided to file a lawsuit against the newspaper owned by one of the sons of the current Saudi king that. 
    And back tension in the relationship Saudi Arabia - Iraq after the 1990 invasion of Kuwait, and the international coalition that is formed by a Saudi Arabia contributed to eject the Iraqi army. 
    Bilateral relations have not improved even after the overthrow of Saddam 's regime in 2003. In spite of visits by presidents and successive governments to Saudi Arabia, but that the recent continued negative attitudes towards the political system. Tension increased during the governments of former Prime Minister Nuri al - Maliki. 
    But the relationship between Iraq and Saudi Arabia has seen a breakthrough after taking Abadi , head of government in conjunction with the formation of the international coalition led by the United States to fight Daesh. And Washington pressed on Riyadh to open up to Baghdad, and these efforts culminated in Iraq 's invitation to participate in the conference held in Jeddah in 2014, to coordinate the war on terror efforts. 
    According to the MP who is close to Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi, the "Jubeir feet, during a meeting with the Prime Minister, the initiative for the reconstruction of the six Sunni provinces, Anbar, Mosul, Diyala and Kirkuk, Salahuddin, in addition to the western outskirts of the capital Baghdad." 
    And the budget allocated by Saudi Arabia to the size of the project, only MP saying it "amounts mouth saliva many , " likely that " the amount of up to more than two billion dollars." 
    But MP Jassem Mohammed Jaafar confirming that "Abadi rejected the Saudi initiative , by virtue of a fund for the reconstruction of these areas , " pointing out that "Jubeir demanded the prime minister to re - balance in the state institutions so as to ensure the full rights of the Sunni component." 
    He said the leader of the Dawa Party that " the Saudi minister carried with him several letters from King Salman bin Abdul Aziz , Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi include restoring the balance in the state institutions and the grants component of the Sunni rights fully and provide Arabia hardware names of the characters and the Saudi authorities involved and affiliated to the organization Daesh." 
    The attention of deputy state law that "Saudi Arabia is worried about an outbreak of violence on its territory authorities after the elimination of Daesh and the liberalization of the city of Mosul." 
    He spoke calculated on the wing of the Prime Minister for an "Iraqi - Saudi coordination to activate the security and intelligence cooperation to eradicate extremist groups, and the reduction of the movement of these outlaw groups" political. 
    The MP for the Turkmen (range), for "the existence of a planned visit by Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi to Saudi Arabia over the next few periods , " expected to track a visit to Saudi Crown Prince to Baghdad in the coming periods. 
    And recognized leader of the Dawa Party that " the credit for the restoration of diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia dates back to the American role , which put pressure on the Saudis to end sectarian and ethnic tensions in the region." 
    The MP Jassem Jaafar believes that the opening of Jemima port and the establishment of free zones in the port is one of the fruits of this visit. 
    Furthermore, Hassan Chuird is, a member of the foreign relations committee in parliament, he said that "Jubeir visit to Baghdad produced many data stands in the forefront of the search for solutions to security challenges that surround Iraq and regional area in the face of the organization Daesh and the elimination of these groups." 
    He Chuird, told the (range), " The coming days will witness cooperation between Iraq and Saudi Arabia on the economic level and the exchange of commercial goods and the use of Iraqi territory for the passage of goods to Saudi Arabia to Jordan and Turkey and vice versa , " pointing to the government 's determination opening Jemima border port linking the provinces of the center and southern Iraq. 
    The chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee for " a planned visit by an Iraqi delegation will travel to Saudi Arabia, headed by the Undersecretary of the Iraqi Foreign Minister with agents from the Ministry of Transport and Finance, Defense and Interior to put arrangements in order to activate a lot of files examined Jubeir with Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi." 
    Chuird referred to "negotiations between Saudi Arabia and Iraq both sides to arrange a visit by the Saudi foreign minister to Baghdad." 
    In turn, MP Luis Caro, the other member of the Committee for parliamentary relations, said Jubeir carried with him an invitation to Ebadi from King Salman bin Abdul Aziz to visit Saudi Arabia, expected to meet Abadi call during a few months 
    He said Caro, in an interview with the (range) yesterday, said that "Saudi Arabia may be cited in the next few weeks , the new ambassador in Baghdad to succeed Thamer Sabhan , " adding that " the Saudi - Iraqi relations on the verge of a new phase characterized by cooperation on security and commercial level."

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