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    Samawa Cement factory title for the failure of the privatization project in the industry

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    Samawa Cement factory title for the failure of the privatization project in the industry Empty Samawa Cement factory title for the failure of the privatization project in the industry

    Post by Rocky Sat Mar 18, 2017 2:01 pm

    Samawa Cement factory title for the failure of the privatization project in the industry

     term / Safaa Shahir

    While quite a few state officials push to convince the public that the privatization of industrial enterprises, the solution is to bring life to the industrial sector inactivated, the derived from the experience of privatization, did not justify the claims of these officials, and cement factory in Samawa example.
    Factory production currently ranges between 25 tons and 30 tons per month ( it was in the year 2013 more than 100 000 tons), and the superiority of its annual profits two billion dinars. It has a factory three thousand member, have been laid off most of them and refer others to retire, having referred to the investment by the Ministry of Industry in 2013, he withdrew his investment consortium Lafarge and pioneers Aerakitin, complaining about the remainder of his workers not to redress delayed payment of financial dues for three consecutive months, and assume management of Muthanna province, the Ministry of Industry and minerals, is responsible for what it describes as its failure to refer the experience of factory investment, underscoring workers ' union in the province, contrary to the terms of the contract the investor through its dependence on foreign labor at the expense of local workers.
    Muthanna Governor Faleh sugar Ziadi, holds in an interview (to the extent) of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals, is responsible for what he called its failure to experience referral Muthana Cement factory investment, calling on them to withdraw the work from the investor and alleviate the suffering of the workers and pay the dues in arrears , some salaries, for sure: The ministry referred the factory investment, the investor did not pursue the work to ensure the rights of employees, especially as it referred the factory investment firm is "not qualified" for the management of the factory.
    Ziadi also shows that the county government, have been and continue to support investment, but only to be based on clear and sound principles guarantee the rights of workers in the facilities referred to invest, also notes, to the need for the Ministry of Industry and Minerals quickly working to sustain the plant or announcing an investment opportunity according to the principles sound guarantee the rights of workers and raise production rates, and this is what he should receive according to his opinion, and confirms he gets working on the proportions of the volume of cement per ton per month, paid in the form of an amount or quantity, and this regardless of other incentives.
    Provincial Council Member Muthanna Ali Hannoush, in turn underlined in an interview (to the extent) that the workers in the cement Muthanna factory, they enjoyed salaries attractive monthly and incentives, as well as access to monthly bonuses and annual profits, "so we now realize the suffering they are enduring, and they do not not even have a regular salary earned by each employee per month, Mstrsla: We are in the province of Muthanna, mindful of the problems of these employees, we emphasize that we join with them to bring their plight to the prime minister, after the failure of the Ministry of Industry and hard metals against them, and we emphasize that, the factory management , it was not efficient and professional, after choosing the investment firm were not eligible for the management of this important national project , which should have served the province and their children in particular, and to serve the country in general. "
    So says the president of the federation of workers in Muthanna Ahmed province inside, in his speech to the (range) that dozens of workers were forced to referral to retire because of the pressure brought to bear against them by the investor, the first non - dues exchange on time, or calculating the wages of extra hours , pointing out : that the coordinating Committee between the investor and workers, must take responsibility for this damage, continuing by saying: investor has violated the terms of the contract through its dependence on foreign labor at the expense of local workers.
    He called in, the local government, to immediately intervene and address the Ministry of Industry and Minerals, to resolve this crisis and restore the rights of workers as they were previously, and dozens of Muthanna cement factory staff, have repeatedly demanded regardless of their monthly salaries on a regular basis without delay, because they have not been paid for more than three months .
    " I do not beg or out of one, employees have not received their salary for three months, and the government should consider about them to resolve the issue and payment of dues similar to their counterparts from other government employees, without any delay", these words began Rikan Salman, an employee at the factory, his complaint in interview (to the extent) has not been without the tone of sadness , saying: Ministry of Industry, committed a crime against humanity, by turning Muthanna cement factory to its management investment company, when signed by the investor contract with cement South company it was not cause to cut off the livelihood of more than three thousand workers , then comes to delay payment of dues thousand workers - old spent working in this factory and made a lot of effort and experience the service of the country, continuing: he was on the ministry also oblige the investor the terms of the contract which provides for the payment of associate salaries as it was before, calling for local and central government, given in our demands because we are the owners and families harmed.
    Ahmed heavenly another employee in the factory, sees in an interview (to the extent) that the plant problems are continuing on a daily basis, and the inability of many people to find a solution to it, following: We are also more than once, we have to demonstrate does not mention the solution, so the sit - ins and demonstrations, will be retained until we get our rights, adding: We do not beg for something from one, our rights must be obtained. What is the guilt of our children suffer deprivation in a country that floats on oil, wondering: How violates our right and we did not terrorists or murderers, only we have been working in good faith throughout these years and now Njazy cut Orezagna, and renews the heavenly, asking everyone the need to communicate their suffering to the prime minister and the prime minister personally, to look at a problem, months passed, demand the dissolution and no one hears our requests.
    Demanding heavenly, local government, working hard to raise a recommendation to the Council of Ministers, to reconsider refer the factory for investment or return it to the General Company for Cement affiliated to the Ministry of Industry and Minerals south, it shows by saying that, Muthanna cement factory, was composed of three thousand workers before it is transmitted to investment , after the assignment , the company invested to keep a thousand workers, as has been the demobilization and refer the rest of the workers into retirement.
    Economist Sami satisfaction, sees in an interview (to the extent) that the unfair injustice and marginalization thousand workers but is destroying the country 's economy according to the recipe, continuing: And apart from that, today the number of cement factories in Iraq (21) plants, four of them belonging to the sector private, the other four are invested by the private sector in a way involved with production, and the 13 remaining state, and that the total design capacity of these plants amounts to about 25 million tons per year, while the amount of energy available to it about 19 million tons a year, but he also , if available for these plants the required operating conditions, particularly the electric power, the production of cement Iraq rises to twice its design capacity, which may cover the need for Iraq can export it.
    And bridge satisfaction by saying: human energy is the other, can invest in these plants, you can absorb unemployment, raising the former workers entered instead of demobilization, which requires a serious stand by everyone, and draw attention to the need for attention to the industrial sector of the country, and from cement plants, which had been neglected after a period of "2003 , " at a time when attention must be paid by larger, because they can be an important economic tributary served for the country and its people from various segments.
    Repeated attempts by our correspondent to get any response from the investing company for the factory failed, on what is happening from the delay to pay the dues of employees or lay off some of them, and the factory management is currently located, is evading any other answer in this regard.

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