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    Vice-law accuses regional states to turn public opinion against the popular crowd

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Vice-law accuses regional states to turn public opinion against the popular crowd Empty Vice-law accuses regional states to turn public opinion against the popular crowd

    Post by Rocky Fri 24 Mar 2017, 3:09 am

    Vice-law accuses regional states to turn public opinion against the popular crowd


    Direction Press / special
    MP accused the coalition of state law, Jassim Mohammed Jaafar on Friday neighboring and regional countries of trying to incite public opinion and move the wrong image of the popular crowd forces in order to curtail its role in the liberation of the city of Mosul battles.
    Jafar In an interview for "direction Press" confirmed that Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey played a key role in the transfer of distorted and false picture of the popular crowd and claimed that these forces violate human rights and fighting for sectarian reasons in the battle of Mosul, noting that Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi understands the plot external and internal challenges size against the popular crowd and this is precisely what exactly the US administration during his visit to Washington.
    He added that there are parties "unnamed" trying to offend Ebadi by promoting that the prime minister agreed with US President Donald Trump on the restructuring of the popular crowd and ending its role in the rest of the battle of Mosul, adding that these conversations are baseless Abadi, the fact praised the strength and the role of the crowd in all battles against criminal Daesh.
    The Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, arrived last Monday at dawn, to the United States official at the invitation of US President Donald Trump.
    Edit .. Rahim Ali al-Lami

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