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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Deputy is surprised by the silence of the government and the National Alliance of foreign conference

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Deputy is surprised by the silence of the government and the National Alliance of foreign conference Empty Deputy is surprised by the silence of the government and the National Alliance of foreign conference

    Post by Rocky Sat 25 Mar 2017, 1:15 am

    Deputy is surprised by the silence of the government and the National Alliance of foreign conferences

    Political Since 2017-03-25 at 09:11 (Baghdad time)

    Baghdad Mawazine News
    MP of the coalition of state law Mansour al-Baiji, Saturday, the silence of the government and the National Alliance in all political blocs towards meetings and conferences suspicious outside Iraq, calling for an extraordinary session of the parliament to clarify the voice recording of the ambiguity MP Karbouli.
    "Al-Baiji said in a statement received by Mawazine News, a copy of it, that" the rumors of scandals and serious information explained by an impromptu tablet in which MP Mohammed al-Karbouli can not be the legislative and executive authorities and the public prosecution to condone or remain silent about them, "noting that" up to the level of conspiracy on the process Political and communications with foreign countries supportive of terrorism and known for their hostility to Iraq and conspiratorial positions, which was a direct cause in the series of killing Iraqis in the years following the fall of the Baath in 2003, most notably Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey.
    He added that it is regrettable that some politicians and decision-makers see their own interests and their adherence to the seats of power is more important than the interest of the country and do not care about Iraq's conspiracies involving members of parliament and the government.
    He added that "the constitutional, national and moral position requires these politicians to place the interest of the country and the people above the interest of the Authority and its spoils, and to confront the conspirators and to take responsibility and firmness against politicians who implement the agendas of countries hostile to their country."
    Al-Baiji expressed his surprise at the "silence of some of the leaders of the National Alliance and many of its members about what was said in the Karbouli speech of hostile positions and descriptions offensive to the Shiite component represented by the coalition."
    He called for "an extraordinary session of the Parliament in which the voice recording of the Karbouli MP will be made clear on the details of what happened in the last conspiratorial meeting held recently in Turkey and the taking of all legal procedures against all politicians participating in the Authority who participated in the conference of treason, conspiracy, .anthy 29 / a 43

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