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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Central Bank: IMF endorses our foreign exchange market liberalization

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    Central Bank: IMF endorses our foreign exchange market liberalization Empty Central Bank: IMF endorses our foreign exchange market liberalization

    Post by Rocky Sun 04 Aug 2013, 10:54 am

    Central Bank: IMF endorses our foreign exchange market liberalization

    Categorized in more, Iraq market | No comments–Mahala/follow Zora informed banking sources confirmed that the report on the work of the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund last month endorsed to the Iraqi Central Bank to release foreign currency market. The sources said: the recently taken steps to streamline the organizational rules of the market born satisfaction of the Executive Board of progress made recently in the context of Central Bank strengthen bank supervision and its efforts in restructuring the Bank and Rafidain. The report was issued by the International Monetary Fund, Iraq has recommended that the pace of structural reform to boost growth and job creation in the private sector, and the need to continue the rational management of the foreign reserves of the Central Bank of Iraq and the Development Fund for Iraq

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    Central Bank: IMF endorses our foreign exchange market liberalization Empty Re: Central Bank: IMF endorses our foreign exchange market liberalization

    Post by Neno Sun 04 Aug 2013, 10:56 am

    Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund last month endorsed to the Iraqi Central Bank to release foreign currency market. wrote:
    In do time.... ;)
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    Central Bank: IMF endorses our foreign exchange market liberalization Empty Re: Central Bank: IMF endorses our foreign exchange market liberalization

    Post by Escalade1 Sun 04 Aug 2013, 1:26 pm

    I like this but when will "in do time" come to pass. I am not sure what we are looking for someone to accomplish or even who that someone would be. Duck may be totally correct in that all is done just waiting on timing. Anyone got a thought??
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    Central Bank: IMF endorses our foreign exchange market liberalization Empty Re: Central Bank: IMF endorses our foreign exchange market liberalization

    Post by jacksmack Sun 04 Aug 2013, 1:44 pm

    Escalade1 wrote:Duck may be totally correct in that all is done just waiting on timing. Anyone got a thought??

     Oh, is that what he's changing his story to now? Immediate RV to timing...........Nice article though, one of the better ones. The IMF wouldn't open their mouth about anything to do with Iraq unless the wheels we're turning.
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    Central Bank: IMF endorses our foreign exchange market liberalization Empty Re: Central Bank: IMF endorses our foreign exchange market liberalization

    Post by DeliHRH Sun 04 Aug 2013, 3:36 pm

    lol! "Nobody puts  Duck in the corner".....
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    Central Bank: IMF endorses our foreign exchange market liberalization Empty Re: Central Bank: IMF endorses our foreign exchange market liberalization

    Post by mochasmom Sun 04 Aug 2013, 4:07 pm

    And so what is your guess Mr Smack....we would love to hear input rather than output!
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    Central Bank: IMF endorses our foreign exchange market liberalization Empty Re: Central Bank: IMF endorses our foreign exchange market liberalization

    Post by mochasmom Sun 04 Aug 2013, 4:12 pm

    And so what is your guess Mr Smack....we would love to hear input rather than output!
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    Central Bank: IMF endorses our foreign exchange market liberalization Empty Re: Central Bank: IMF endorses our foreign exchange market liberalization

    Post by G-NORM-L Sun 04 Aug 2013, 5:44 pm

    Joined in may, and has a reputation/thanks of negative 83...... Hmmmmm yeah more input, LOL
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    Central Bank: IMF endorses our foreign exchange market liberalization Empty Re: Central Bank: IMF endorses our foreign exchange market liberalization

    Post by jacksmack Sun 04 Aug 2013, 6:33 pm

    mochasmom wrote:And so what is your guess Mr Smack....we would love to hear input rather than output!

     I love it when people ask me that because its so rare, so here it is. What you have is a very small country with an enormous amount of oil(That's an indisputable fact we can all agree on.) now it's arguable that chapter VII is the catalyst. I don't know if it is or not, I've allways said that however, I hope that to be the case. That being said, based on this article the IMF is giving a "Green Light" as it were. They are saying, "Do your thing Iraq." What leaves me completely fascinated is the fact that people try to guess the rate, it's entirely ridiculous to say the least. That being said, Yes, GDP is a factor, Yes, trade is a factor, but the value of a currency is based public confidence, in that very currency. You can not predict that confidence until the Dinar goes to the world market an the market determines a base value(I use the term base value but I don't know what the correct terminology would be, I been drinking wine for about three hours.) So yes, think it will  happen in phases............. World Market(RV)......Public confidence(adjustment)..... an buy then they will need to adjust the rate based on a growing economy, so if your 60 an up an your in this investment, put it in your will because your not going to need it.
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    Central Bank: IMF endorses our foreign exchange market liberalization Empty Re: Central Bank: IMF endorses our foreign exchange market liberalization

    Post by jacksmack Sun 04 Aug 2013, 6:40 pm

    G-NORM-L wrote:Joined in may, and has a reputation/thanks of negative 83...... Hmmmmm yeah more input, LOL

     I'm going for -100.............. I aim to please.

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