Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    In short

    Admin Assist
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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    In short Empty In short

    Post by Rocky Wed 05 Apr 2017, 1:13 am

    In short

    Confinement impersonator recipe brigade

    spokesman said the Supreme Judicial Council Judge Abdul Sattar Bayraktar said in a statement, said that " the second body in the Central Criminal Court considered the case accused of impersonating a recipe officer with the rank of general in the army."
    He added Bayraktar, that " the defendant created a fake page on the social networking sites for the purpose of defrauding citizens and take them sums of money in the hope of appointment or transfer or sent back to the service." He continued, "One of the citizens has generated doubts that he would fall victim to the accused after being asked 700 dollars for the purpose of returning it to the service provided by informing about the incident."

    Land for road transport staff

    approved Transport Minister Kazem cup, on the distribution of plots of land on road transport staff. The Director General of the General Company for Land Transport Abdul Ameer Karim Muhammadawi according to a statement, " The Minister of Transport , he agreed on the distribution of residential plots of land on road transport staff." He added Muhammadawi, "based on the directives of the Minister on the need to provide decent and adequate housing for staff was formed several committees to secure residential land in the provinces of Baghdad , cut and Najaf for distribution by the company , duly all associate in accordance with the regulations and instructions issued in this regard."

    Open college students are demanding the recognition of

    dozens of graduates of the College of Education came out of open, on Tuesday, a peaceful demonstration in the province of Diyala to demand recognition of their testimony and functional change addresses.
    Said a member of the Diyala provincial council, Najat al - Tai said in a statement, said that "dozens of graduates of Open College of Education , staged a peaceful demonstration this morning in front of the Directorate General of Education building in Baquba , Diyala to demand a change in functional addresses and recognition of their testimony." She added, "It will be raising the demands of the demonstrators to the relevant authorities to identify them and achieve them , according to the legal procedures prescribed by the ministry."

    Transportation: Cup did not drive the plane

    and the Ministry of Transport said in a statement, "can not be anyone driving a plane as easily perceived, but there are several tests and tests conducted before", and expressed his surprise at the "campaign led by some that target the big steps taken by the company."
    For his part , he said the captain of the flight Baghdad - Basra , Imad Eddin Hamid, said that " the trip was within the usual schedule of Iraqi Airways from Baghdad to Basra, on board, the Minister of Transport as a traveler normal, but he gave a salute to the flight crew , expressing his thanks to them."

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