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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Jawad al-Bolani calls on the government to implement the replacement of the ration card items partia

    Admin Assist
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    Jawad al-Bolani calls on the government to implement the replacement of the ration card items partia Empty Jawad al-Bolani calls on the government to implement the replacement of the ration card items partia

    Post by Rocky Sun 09 Apr 2017, 3:38 am

    Jawad al-Bolani calls on the government to implement the replacement of the ration card items partially financial mechanism amounts

    April 9, 2017 | 11:24 | Views: 3 View font size:  Decrease font  Enlarge font

    Called the Committee on Economy and Investment parliamentary member Jawad al-Bolani, Sunday, the Council of Ministers to work on the application of the replacement of the ration card items for amounts in specific areas of the mechanism to determine the extent of the response and effects, indicating that the application of the mechanism will limit the distribution of food vocabulary to the needy segment effectively while improving the quality of those materials .
    Bolani said in an interview I followed the agency echo, that "there is a study and a plan we made long ago a partial application of the idea of ​​replacing Altamonah card items amounts of money within the specified areas to be a sample test in order to study and know the extent of their success down to the circulation to all of Iraq after the reform of glitches where" .

    Bolani noted that "the application of this idea will allow us to limit the distribution of food vocabulary to the needy segment effectively while improving the quality of those materials and not quantity because quality is more important," asking, "What is the benefit of giving the amount of rice to the citizen does not benefit them or consume less than half as a result of poor quality ".
    He said Bolani, "We are waiting for the Economic Committee in the Council of Ministers' decision on our proposal and that attention to the quality of materials and respect for delivery to those who need dates is the objective basis", calling on the Council of Ministers to "attention to quality and accountability on the timings specified for the distribution of materials and work on the application of the replacement of food amounts mechanism in specific areas to determine the extent of the response and impact. "

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