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    American channel: Iraqi resentment of the absence of Abadi for the Riyadh summit and ignoring the in

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    American channel: Iraqi resentment of the absence of Abadi for the Riyadh summit and ignoring the in Empty American channel: Iraqi resentment of the absence of Abadi for the Riyadh summit and ignoring the in

    Post by Rocky Mon 29 May 2017, 2:06 am

    American channel: Iraqi resentment of the absence of Abadi for the Riyadh summit and ignoring the infallible

     translation / range

    US President Trump, said his first trip as president outside the United States gave him "new hope that countries with multiple religions can unite to defeat terrorism , which poses a common threat to all humanity."

    But the time spent in the Middle East may have caused the deepening of the major religious divisions in the region, and in a prominent ally dissatisfactions in the fight against terrorism, according to what experts said.
    President Trump chose Saudi Arabia as the first station stop on his journey and praised King Salman for standing up against terrorism, but his criticism of Iran from the land adversary could cause resentment most important US allies in the fight Daesh Iraq , which, according to experts in the Middle East.
    At the Trump meeting and dozens of leaders of Islamic countries at King Abdul Aziz Conference Hall Sunday, it was one of the prominent leaders in the Middle East is absent because of the lack of an invitation to him to attend the meeting.
    Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi in Baghdad overseeing the fighting Daesh group that hurt so much to his country. Instead , Mr. Abadi , who belongs to the Shiite sect, Saudi Arabia called on the President of the Republic of Iraq , Mr. Fuad Masum of the Sunni community.
    Experts say this kind of behavior - based on a sectarian basis - was one of several actions ignore Iraq at a summit was intended to gather Muslims against terrorism.
    Critics say the summit targeting Iran as a source of extremism and marginalization of the Shiite leader of a prominent Iraqi government may pay more to stand by Iran at a time when the United States needs a strong partner to there.
    James Jeffrey, former US ambassador to Iraq , "said another example of the removal of Saudi Arabia to Iraq as a potential ally. Saudi Arabia is Iraq , an Iranian base , and this causes the weakening of the US effort."
    He also said Ilan Goldenberg, the security program for the Middle East in the New American Security Center and former official of the foreign ministries and the Pentagon said the director of "ignoring the Iraqi leadership by the Saudis and non - existence Abadi , there is really unfortunate. It 's really a missed opportunity."
    Some experts said that it reveals the US administration either inexperienced or not aware of the nuances in a complex area.
    He added , Jeffrey said , "This event reveals a new team inexperienced in the Saudi Foreign Ministry. Supposed to predict those with such problems and face, but that did not happen."
    He was not not call Abadi , the only humiliation felt by Iraqis, when the arrival of the infallible president was not met by a senior Saudi official, but the deputy governor of Riyadh. It is humiliating reception as the Iraqi press said. As it seems that the summit played down Iraq 's role in the fight Daesh campaign. King Salman did not mention Iraq in his speech , Trump did not deter the Iraqi army 's efforts on fighting lines, but hinted that "US forces supporting the Kurds, Sunnis and Shiites in the fight for their country." As President infallible did not give a chance to speak , although his office published the text of a speech on his website he had prepared her in advance. He wanted to say to the summit if he had the chance , "killed Daesh Sunnis, Shiites, Christians, Yazidis, Arabs, Kurds, Turkmen, Shabak and other groups without discrimination, and the longer the ugly crimes all the components of Iraq."
    On the other hand, a senior administration official praised the summit , saying that "Donald Trump united the entire Muslim world in a way has been absent for years." But by trying to make Iran a common enemy, the summit of Iraq and put in an awkward position, where linking Iran and Iraq and close ties since the fall of Saddam in 2003
    , says Ryan Crocker, former US ambassador to Iraq that because of this relationship, it may be the absence of Abadi from the summit of his interests. "I think that Abadi is grateful for not his call as he tries to build a relationship with Saudi Arabia at a time when the Saudis push against Iran. I think he was pleased and relieved not to put in such a position."
    Crocker says that Iraqi officials do not act as if it insulting, but they praised what they saw from Trump so far.
    Despite the tension, has made the Saudis and Iraqis efforts to build relationships in recent months, where he visited Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al - Jubeir Baghdad in February in his first visit in 27 years, Iraqis say they are coordinating with the Saudis on a visit Abadi Kingdom soon, according to Crocker, in his first visit since more than a decade.
    In the US Institute of Peace in Washington in March Abadi , he said the relationship between the two countries , "there is a breakthrough for the relationship with a very good neighborhood. Our friends the Saudis they think that Iraq is under the control of our neighbor Iran, but we are not so, Iraq is governed by Iraqis."
    However, still deep in Doubts Riyadh, where officials are watching, Iranian influence in the region with great concern.
    Says Aaron David Miller, a thinker and deputy director of the Wilson Center said that "bad deal felt by Iraqis to the way perceived by the Saudis to the Iraqi government and its relations with Iran. It is about the unwillingness of Baghdad and its inability to overcome Iran than to fight Iraq Daesh".
    But experts say the Baghdad summit did not give a lot of payment to leave over Tehran. Says Goldenberg that " the crucial element of US policy in the face of Iran is to encourage close relations between Iraq and the Gulf states in order to pull away from Baghdad , Tehran", with the Gulf of Baghdad The integration of allies remains a top priority of the United States.
     About: ABC News

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