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    Maliki: The government of Abadi has dropped the prestige of the state and Barzani depends on Israel

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    Maliki: The government of Abadi has dropped the prestige of the state and Barzani depends on Israel  Empty Maliki: The government of Abadi has dropped the prestige of the state and Barzani depends on Israel

    Post by Rocky Wed 31 May 2017, 3:01 am

    Maliki: The government of Abadi has dropped the prestige of the state and Barzani depends on Israel to expand

    Date of release: • 2017/5/31

    The head of the coalition of state law, former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, strongly criticized the performance of the government successor Haidar Abadi, "accusing at the same time," the Kurdistan region President Massoud Barzani, relying on Israel to expand on land in Iraq, the establishment of the Kurdish state.
    Maliki said in an interview with the Lebanese newspaper [Al-Akhbar] on his vision in the performance of the government of Abbadi: "In terms of combating terrorism, the performance of government is good, despite the irregularities that occurred and the introduction of international forces without a parliamentary decision, good progress, but this is not enough, Means exclusively] the fight against terrorism, and fighting the preacher, the prestige of the state is now a problem, and what concerns us is the abuses and the security situation is bad, and the rebellion of the state. "
    "Yesterday, they occupied the Najaf airport and its markets, this aspect is very dangerous, and if, in the past, they are in Basra, The situation has not been dealt with and will deteriorate and deteriorate, and there will be an opportunity for militias and gangs and outlaws to rebel. "
    "I do not understand why the government withdrew from the central bank reserves of $ 40 billion. The Treasury has delivered a reserve of $ 83 billion," he said. They are saying that the war is over and they are buying arms and equipment, but in fact I bought all the weapons, they did not buy arms, except the gear and the spare parts. I bought the weapon From Iran during a premeditated attack, and before him I bought planes from Umm Yarka, Korea, and tanks from Russia. "
    "In addition to the fall of the prestige of the state and the economic situation, the political reality is not immediately healed. Is it conceivable that a government can not appoint three ministers, a government that is consistent, strong, democratic, weak state, and the dawn of the phenomenon of corruption, In all parts of the state, from the policeman to the minister, I am afraid today that the development of these repercussions, and a major crisis, and perhaps one of its objectives to disrupt the upcoming elections.
    "We will not allow the postponement of the elections one day, and this is a challenge for us. We in the National Alliance have agreed on the need to hold the elections on time, and I call on everyone to raise the voices calling for the elections to be held on time. That the provincial elections will not be held in September, but will merge with the parliamentary elections, which is feared to be postponed.
    "I do not want to return to any executive authority, but I will remain in political power," he said. "I want to be a partner in drawing up a solid and new political system that will save the current political process, either by being a partner through the election portal, Or gateway alliances. "
    "My project, which I am working on, is to achieve the principle of the political majority [that is, the largest parliamentary bloc]," he said. "If that happens, I consider myself to be, and I am a referee, and a partner too."
    Asked about the project of secession of the Kurdish region and the demand of some Kurds to a referendum in Kirkuk, the head of state law, "strong differences between the Kurdistan Democratic Party and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and the Party of Change, and the crisis of Kurdistan is known, when the internal crises in Barzani, come out with such statements."
    He added that "the issue of separation is for consumption now: to meet the challenges and opponents to him In addition, under the law of the region, Barzani is no longer a legitimate president for the end of his mandate, and his internal policy is violent and individuality and lacks any legal cover," he said.
    "He [Barzani] governs the Kurdish way of the elders of the former Kurdish tribes, and the Agawa, and one day would like to make the conditions and form a major Kurdish state, and cut off parts of Syria, Iran, Iraq and Turkey, but the surrounding data do not allow this And it is at least in the public's right for states not to support such behavior, with the exception of Israel. It depends on Israel, in all its policies and in all its plans. "
    "He also says that I will not separate without joining the Mansuriya mountain, Mosul, and others, I have stood in his face strongly before, and Barzani, since the start of operations to restore Mosul, seized 12 administrative units in Mosul, , I can not say that there is agreement, but this is the reality, there is no objection from the government on his actions, he decides and expands, as determined and do others in the south.
    He said that "Barzani's chance to keep this government weak, so that he can expand to Kirkuk and others, but the issue of separation, I think he can not achieve, at the internal level, lacks harmony with other spectra, and on the outside, the environment does not accept it, The international situation accepts that. "
    "For the Kirkuk referendum, it is not his right to hold a referendum on secession or self-determination. There is no self-determination in our constitution. The Kurds have decided their fate with this constitution. They voted for it. The constitution says: Iraq is a federal federal republic, Federal Republic of Iraq. "
    "Barzani is going out every day to call for a poll, a vote and a referendum. This is not his right. Barzani is not seeing anything in front of him: he does not respect a state and terrorizes it, and goes beyond all the red lines."
    "Now, Kurdistan has become a springboard for all the Israeli companies and intelligence. Unfortunately, every day the spectra take delegations and travel to Erbil. Massoud himself does not cost himself and comes to Baghdad. He always declares and defies the capital, sells oil as he pleases, speaks and moves on the ground. And oppresses the minorities and the components, and does not hear a word of rejection from the government or the political forces. This is the problem that we are facing now. The Barzani is not the kind who grants such freedom, but must face the facts and the facts. "As he put it.

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