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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Rafidain Bank confirms the inadmissibility of the transfer of ownership of the property owner borrow

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Rafidain Bank confirms the inadmissibility of the transfer of ownership of the property owner borrow Empty Rafidain Bank confirms the inadmissibility of the transfer of ownership of the property owner borrow

    Post by Rocky Thu 08 Jun 2017, 4:09 am

    Rafidain Bank confirms the inadmissibility of the transfer of ownership of the property owner borrower

    14:29 - 07/06/2017

    Rafidain Bank confirmed Wednesday, the inadmissibility of the transfer of ownership of the property to the owner only after the borrower to repay the loan on it, stressing that the borrower uses the loan granted for the purpose for.

    According to the media the bank said in a statement, received / information / copy of it, that "the conditions for granting loans to citizens, amounting to 50 million dinars for construction in the land of fifty meters is that it may not be the property ownership transfer or make any legal actions only after the payment of all obligations towards Bank or for approval of it. "

    He added that "the borrower to use the loan for the purpose granted for him and in the case of breach of this is due performance of the loan," adding that "is made insurance on the life of the borrower with the National Insurance Company for the benefit of the bank and prove it in the loan contract under the amount of guidance from the General Administration of the Bank" .

    He pointed out that "regulated by a special contract between the bank and the citizen under the loan contract and stamp duty are met by legal regulations." It ended 25

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