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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Australia applied very difficult conditions for the expulsion of asylum-seekers

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Australia applied very difficult conditions for the expulsion of asylum-seekers Empty Australia applied very difficult conditions for the expulsion of asylum-seekers

    Post by Rocky Sun 25 Jun 2017, 3:26 am

    Australia applied very difficult conditions for the expulsion of asylum-seekers

    22:40 - 06/24/2017

    He said a senior Australian politician Nick McKim, Australia introduced tough conditions on asylum seekers on Manus Island in a "deliberate" noting that it is "torture" according to the law, while the Australian government has stressed the proposal to test the English language required for citizenship.

    Says McKim, "The closure of the detention center on Manus Island operations may cost the lives of some people," adding that "the Australian government deliberately applied tough conditions on the refugees on the island."

    He McKim, that "it is torture in accordance with the law."

    The Supreme Court of Papua New Guinea ruled that illegal detention by Australian authorities in Manus Island and demanded the closure of the center and the transfer of detainees from the refugees and illegal immigrants to Australia or any other country.

    In regard to a related male activists, that which is ironic that the tightening of the Australian government on a proposal to test the English language to obtain citizenship is an unfair basis, Aazin reason to it involves adding questions about "Australian values", the most common people carried on about It is a deliberate "justice".

    They pointed out that the most controversial element is the Government's proposed changes last April, adds proficiency test in English language experts say that many Australian citizens would fail the test.

    The Australian government is developing obstacles and difficulties facing asylum seekers and migrants from asylum citizenship in Australia because of their entry into Australian territory are illegal before 2013, before the implementation of the hard-line policy toward illegal immigrants. / D ended 25

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