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    Twenty countries committed to pursue terrorists and cut off funding

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Twenty countries committed to pursue terrorists and cut off funding Empty Twenty countries committed to pursue terrorists and cut off funding

    Post by Rocky Sat 08 Jul 2017, 2:07 am

    Twenty countries committed to pursue terrorists and cut off funding

    History of edits:: 2017/7/7

    {International: Euphrates News} Group of Twenty leaders announced in a statement issued at the end of the first day of their summit in Hamburg on Friday, taking extensive commitments to pursue the terrorists themselves.
    Leaders in this statement and confirmed that the twenty countries will contribute to the exchange of information between intelligence and security and judicial organs on the joint use of information operational issues, and to take precautionary measures, and ensure the necessary balance between security requirements and safeguards data protection and observance of international laws.
    States in this statement and is committed to ensuring the accountability of terrorists and bring them to justice.
    State leaders also announced in the statement, the decision to extend the cooperation with companies access to the Internet service, in order to prevent the use of the World Wide Web and social networks to achieve terrorist goals.
    The statement also called for effective action to cut off terrorist financing channels.
    He warned leaders of the growing danger posed by small cells and terrorists soloists, who are waging a "low - cost attacks."
    The leaders also vowed to work to prevent the emergence of rules for foreign terrorists in various regions of the world, as well as the face of the threat posed by terrorists returning from conflict zones such as Iraq and Syria.
    The statement stressed that the presence of "safe areas" for the financing of terrorism in any part of the world, is unacceptable, stressing at the same time that such shelters are still present due to the lack of compliance with international standards.
    In this context, the countries pledged to intensify actions to strengthen the capacities of regional and international bodies to eliminate hotbeds of financing Alarhab.anthy
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