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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Integrity: Control of loan transactions granted in violation of the controls in Rasheed Bank in Basr

    Admin Assist
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    Integrity: Control of loan transactions granted in violation of the controls in Rasheed Bank in Basr Empty Integrity: Control of loan transactions granted in violation of the controls in Rasheed Bank in Basr

    Post by Rocky Mon 07 Aug 2017, 2:10 am

    Integrity: Control of loan transactions granted in violation of the controls in Rasheed Bank in Basra

     Baghdad / Range

    The Directorate of Investigation of the Integrity Commission in Basra, on Sunday, to control the transactions of loans granted contrary to the controls in the Rasheed Bank in the province, explaining that these loans were granted without disclosure of projects for money. In a statement received by Al-Mada, the agency said in a statement that it had carried out an operation under a judicial memorandum based on information that the loan department official at Al-Rasheed Bank - Al-Seef Branch - granted loans without the required disclosure of the projects for which loans were granted for receiving funds. Confirming that "the seizure of 75 transactions in the possession of the official loan department at the bank has been disbursed without disclosure."
    She added, "was transferred to a housing housing division in charge of the presence of the bank manager, and seized 45 transactions other loans have been disbursed contrary to the controls," asserting " The organization of the investigation of the Commission in the province of Basra announces from time to time the implementation of several seizures in many of the departments that The Bank had earlier announced the most important controls for the granting of such loans, including the verification of the documents submitted by the borrower, that he was of adult age and that the branch manager had full responsibility for examining the applications and ensuring that the conditions were satisfied Required in the student of the village , Stressing the need for in situ detection of the project in question to obtain the correct details of it for the purpose of estimating the value of assets in preparation to determine the loan amount. It is noteworthy that the Directorate of investigating the Commission in the province of Basra announces from time to time the implementation of several seizures in several departments that promote non-fundamental transactions in order to achieve special interests. The Bank had announced earlier, the most important controls to grant such loans, including confirmation Of the documents submitted by the borrower, and that he is of great age of majority and the branch manager has full responsibility for studying the applications and making sure that the required conditions are met in the student of the loan, stressing the need to conduct an on-site disclosure of the project in question for the purpose of estimating the value of assets in preparation for determining the amount of the loan The And h. It is noteworthy that the Directorate of investigating the Commission in the province of Basra announces from time to time the implementation of several seizures in several departments that promote non-fundamental transactions in order to achieve special interests. The Bank had announced earlier, the most important controls to grant such loans, including confirmation Of the documents submitted by the borrower, and that he is of great age of majority and the branch manager has full responsibility for studying the applications and making sure that the required conditions are met in the student of the loan, stressing the need to conduct an on-site disclosure of the project in question for the purpose of estimating the value of assets in preparation for determining the amount of the loan The And h.

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