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    IS member kills own father, a senior leader, in Tal Afar


    Posts : 10738
    Join date : 2013-02-20

    IS member kills own father, a senior leader, in Tal Afar Empty IS member kills own father, a senior leader, in Tal Afar

    Post by jedi17 Thu 10 Aug 2017, 8:49 pm

    IS member kills own father, a senior leader, in Tal Afar

    by Mohamed Mostafa
    Aug 10, 2017, 3:15 pm

    IS militant’s dead body.

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    Tal Afar ( A senior Islamic State official was killed on Thursday by his own son in the group’s stronghold town of Tal Afar, a local source was quoted saying as military operations to retake the area approach.

    The source told Alsumaria News that the head of the the Islamic State’s so-called “ores bureau” was killed by his oldest son mysteriously. Militants began intensive search for the runaway killer, the source added.

    Abu Ismail, an Iraqi, was killed by his son inside his residence in central Tal Afar, but the method and reason of the killing was not known, according to the source.

    The division headed by Abu Ismail had handled antiquities and mineral resources traffick, the source explained.

    Islamic State has held Tal Afar since 2014, when the group occupied a third of Iraq to establish a self-styled “caliphate”.

    The Iraqi government declared victory over IS in Mosul last month, while army-backed paramilitary forces isolated Tal Afar both from Mosul and from the Syrian borders. Tal Afar is marked as the next target of anti-IS military action, and the Iraqi Defense Ministry said recently preparations were completed for the invasion of the town.

    The town has seen occasional mysterious assassinations of group leaders as well as instances of infighting among the militants themselves since operations launched to retake Mosul in October.

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