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    Grand Mufti of Iraq: We refuse to dissolve the popular crowd

    Admin Assist
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    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Grand Mufti of Iraq: We refuse to dissolve the popular crowd Empty Grand Mufti of Iraq: We refuse to dissolve the popular crowd

    Post by Rocky Mon 21 Aug 2017, 3:17 am

    Grand Mufti of Iraq: We refuse to dissolve the popular crowd


    The Grand Mufti of Iraq, Sheikh Mahdi bin Ahmed al-Sumaida'i, on Monday rejected calls to dissolve the popular crowd, which he added to the security forces, revealing the presence of 62 thousand fighters from tribes and the people of the liberated provinces in the crowd.
    "We can not be criticized with malicious aims against the army and the crowd, they represent Iraq, and we do not accept the solution of the popular mobilization because its members are genuine Iraqis who fought away from their people thousands of kilometers," Al-Simeedi told the official Al-Sabah newspaper. 62 thousand fighters from the tribes and the people in the liberated provinces and the areas being liberated are involved in the ranks of the popular crowd. "
    Al-Sumaidi praised the role of the army and the mobilization in the liberation of the regions, especially Mosul, which had a big role in the unity of Iraqis, noting that "crises contributed to the unification of Iraqis."
    And on the referendum called by the President of the Kurdistan region outgoing Massoud Barzani said al-Simadi that "the referendum a new type of terrorism," and expressed his fear that "the referendum was the cause of the Kurds themselves."
    "The upcoming elections will not differ from this session, and although we are with the right of the Iraqi people and the elections take place on time, we hope that they will result in the departure of good people who are working to remove the spoilers," he said. Sf

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    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Grand Mufti of Iraq: We refuse to dissolve the popular crowd Empty Mufti of Iraqi homes for the morning: We refuse to dissolve the popular crowd

    Post by Rocky Mon 21 Aug 2017, 3:35 am

    Mufti of Iraqi homes for the morning: We refuse to dissolve the popular crowd


    21/8/2017 12:00 am

    BAGHDAD / Shaima Rashid
    The Grand Mufti of Iraq, Sheikh Dr. Mahdi bin Ahmed al-Sumaida'i, rejected the popular crowd, which he considered a complement to the security forces.
    The Mufti said in an exclusive interview for the morning that the crises have united the Iraqis, including the battle of Mosul, which proved to all the solidarity of the people, noting that the individual visits by officials abroad are incorrect.
    Kurdish referendum
    Al-Sumaidaie said: "We reject the referendum, and we sent a letter to the provincial government in this regard, and the response came from the Union of Muslim Scholars with a denial of our position, the Kurds were suffering from the former regime and today they are better off and we are with the unity of Iraq," noting that " Terrorism, "according to his description. "We fear that the referendum will be the cause of the Kurdish faction themselves," he said, adding that "the referendum will take place on time, and that if it happens, it will have negative consequences on the Kurds." He added that "the upcoming elections will not differ from this session, and although we are with the right of the Iraqi people and that the elections take place in time, but we hope to result in the departure of good people working to remove the spoilers." We refuse to solve the crowd

    The Mufti praised the role of the army and the mobilization in the liberation of the regions, especially Mosul, which had a major role in the unity of Iraqis, noting that "crises contributed to the unification of Iraqis." "It is not permissible to draw criticism with malicious aims against the army and the crowd, they represent Iraq, and we do not accept the solution of the popular mobilization because the members of the Iraqis are genuine fought away from their people thousands of kilometers," noting that "62 thousand fighters from tribes and people in the liberated provinces The liberated areas are involved in the popular crowd. "
    Accounting for the corrupt
    "Today, Iraq is going through a critical period and the government is not to compliment some at the expense of the other," Sumaidaie said, adding that "the outcome of the governmental system today is better than it was in the past, especially if its work was collective." He added: "The government should not open the eye on one side and close it on the other, and it is supposed to be the account of the year of the corrupt and the shedding of public money all without exception and there will be a political liquidation, which may lead to consequences may drag the country to ruin, Return of IDPs

    As for the file of the displaced, Al-Sumaida'i said that "the return of displaced people is suspended by the government, because there is no line between us and the government and no committees have been formed in this regard." He pointed out that "the position of Dar Al-Ifta is limited to directing advice and urging to make it humane and legitimate and motivating benefactors to support and form committees To visit the displaced by speeches and televised meetings, "adding that" Abbadi formed with the Sunni Endowment Committee a committee to return the displaced. "
    The Mufti called for "the formation of committees of the Sunni and Shiite institutions to manage the funds that may be granted by donor countries, and be under the supervision of committees set up in this regard to avoid the evils that may occur from taking the money," calling for that "there will be legal, legal and administrative committees each according to its competence and duty, Which raises the status of the government and creates trust between the government and the people. " On the status of the community, especially the families of "Al-Dawash", Sumaidaie pointed to the need to open courses, institutes and schools and give the duty to scientists to urge their rehabilitation and return them to society, saying: "We hope that the people are united because we are a Muslim people and families are oppressed and the government must look at them mercy , Because it is wrong to agree to isolate the families of "Aldawash" which may lead to their reproduction, but when reintegrated with people, they will be inclined to sleep and reassure that they are not outcasts. Children of Al-Dawash

    As for the status of children of Arab and foreign fathers, he called the Mufti to the need to address the situation and a formal solution to the identity of their distinctiveness, and added , "Hola children is realistic in society", calling for "not the injustice of women again after they had been wronged by their relatives by virtue of the organization Daesh
    terrorist" . "The House of Fatwa is ready to prepare a system of personal status in this direction through specialists, and prepare a law for those without social damage or historical disgrace." Media and House of Fatwa  The Grand Mufti of Iraq, at the end of his talk with "morning", to the media and its role in society. Sheikh Sumaida'i said that "a detailed and special law should be put in place to make the media useful to society if it is properly directed. The need for such a law is urgent, especially with the presence of a large number of satellite channels and the media that are incited and suspicious."

    In an intelligent and realistic description, Sumaidaie likened the role of the media in influencing events and its manufacture to "the Vatican state, which manages many of the world's affairs behind bars." He said that "the media is the original and motivating government of society."
    The Mufti criticized the marginalization of Dar al-Ifta by some media and did not highlight her moderate speech.

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