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    Germany plans to deploy troops throughout Iraq

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Germany plans to deploy troops throughout Iraq Empty Germany plans to deploy troops throughout Iraq

    Post by Rocky Tue 13 Feb 2018, 2:59 am

    Germany plans to deploy troops throughout Iraq

    11:10 - 13/02/2018

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Information / Translation
    The new German Grand Alliance is planning a major expansion in the deployment and expansion of the German army in Iraq, the WorldSchillest Web site reported on Tuesday.
    "This announcement was made by German Foreign Minister Ursula von der Lien after the end of her tour of the Middle East last weekend," the website said in a report.
    "The German Foreign Minister announced that" the German army will be deployed in the future throughout Iraq, and there will be a new mandate for a balance in the size of the German forces between Baghdad and Erbil will be on an equal footing between the two sides. " 
    "The attempt by German Foreign Minister von der Len to portray the deployment of the German army as a counterterrorism operation is propaganda and lies. The invasion of Iraq by the Bush regime has caused the destruction of the country," he said. "This was the result of the subsequent occupation of the country and Western cooperation with terrorist groups. Including Syria and Libya. "
    "In the cases of Iraq and Libya, Germany abstained from participating in the US-led wars, but it has played an active role in the war against Syria from the start. The German army has resorted to terrorist methods, directly and indirectly, to defend the strategic economic and geographic interests of German imperialism in [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Middle East. " Ending / 25 z

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