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    Buffy ruled out for al-Maliki to the third term in the upcoming elections

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Buffy ruled out for al-Maliki to the third term in the upcoming elections Empty Buffy ruled out for al-Maliki to the third term in the upcoming elections

    Post by Rocky Fri 06 Dec 2013, 9:02 am

    Buffy ruled out for al-Maliki to the third term in the upcoming elections

    06-12-2013 11:37 AM

    Baghdad (news) .. Ruled MP / Kurdistan Alliance / Hamid Buffy, the survival of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and members of the current government to their posts in the next government as a result of their failure, as pointed out that al-Maliki fled to Iran to take a third term because America did not support it.

    Said Buffy in a statement received by the Agency (news) copy of it: that 'the government has failed to provide services and to provide security for citizens, and did not show a sense of responsibility towards the innocent blood that spilled daily and escalating poverty rate in the provinces in the presence of budget tremendous', noting that' Maliki has no chance to become prime minister a third time. '

    He added: The 'most Iraqis, whatever their sympathy with Iran because of the ongoing conflict in the Middle East, want to be Iraqi decision issued by Baghdad and not from any other capital', explaining that 'everyone had hoped to ask al-Maliki from Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Kuwait to develop relationships with them on the basis of mutual respect and the higher interests of the two countries, and to request from Iran during his visit to her release Iraqi prisoners who are still unaccounted for, and non-interference in Iraq's internal affairs'.

    He pointed out: that 'America probably did not support al-Maliki enough to becoming prime minister for a third term, therefore we see has turned to Iran', pointing out that 'the Iraqi politician who wants to take up any position to ask that of his people, if Astqoy any official foreigner becomes foe People will not be able to provide any service to his people, and indeed during the last two periods, the Baghdad government has not been able to provide any services to citizens, compared with the enormous budget, which is the largest in the history of Iraq '.

    He said, 'most worthy members of the current government to resign and apologize to the people because they did not provide the required services, in light of the spread of financial and administrative corruption and deals that raised around a big debate', adding that 'the Russian deal alone was enough to make the government resign, or perhaps a number of innocent civilians who cite in one day bombings in several parts of Baghdad and the provinces is sufficient reason for the resignation of the government '. / End / h. / P

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