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    a British report reveals pressure on Abadi to step down and reinstate Sadr

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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     a British report reveals pressure on Abadi to step down and reinstate Sadr Empty a British report reveals pressure on Abadi to step down and reinstate Sadr

    Post by Rocky Mon 10 Sep 2018, 2:38 am

    a British report reveals pressure on Abadi to step down and reinstate Sadr[/size]
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     3 hours ago

    "The Times" published a topic on the latest developments in Iraq on the topic entitled "Basra demonstrations increase pressure on the Prime Minister to step down."
    The newspaper says Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi warned after a week of demonstrations in Basra that it could turn into an open war, indicating that pressure is mounting on him to step down, although he ordered an investigation into the actions of security men.
    The newspaper added that clashes between security and demonstrators resulted in the deaths of at least 13 people during the past week, and although Abadi accused the security men of not doing their duty properly, but this did not lead to calm the situation in the city, which is furious against the government because of poor services and a crisis The unemployment.
    Muqtada al-Sadr, who leads the party alliance that won the largest number of votes in the last election, demanded Abadi resign immediately even though he allied with him after the election.
    The newspaper says Sadr's alliance, which is opposed to Iran's growing influence in Iraqi politics, appears to be re-positioning itself to be the main player on the Iraqi political scene in the coming period.

    The newspaper adds that the demonstrations have made clear the size of the widening gap between a section of Iraqi Shiites in favor of Iranian influence and another section opposed to this influence.
    The newspaper pointed out that this comes at a time when the new government was not formed after the last election, which indicates that opponents of Abadi working to isolate him from the post of prime minister in the next formation of the government.

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