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    The disappearance of the Secretary-General of "believers without borders" in mysterious circumstance

    Admin Assist
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    Posts : 277821
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    The disappearance of the Secretary-General of "believers without borders" in mysterious circumstance Empty The disappearance of the Secretary-General of "believers without borders" in mysterious circumstance

    Post by Rocky Sat 10 Nov 2018, 1:24 am


    The disappearance of the Secretary-General of "believers without borders" in mysterious circumstances in Amman

    [ltr][rtl]Release date: 2018/11/10 9:57[/rtl] • [rtl]48 times read[/rtl][/ltr]
    [ltr]The disappearance of the Secretary-General of "believers without borders" in mysterious circumstance Story_img_5be6814612407
    Jordan's General Security Directorate announced on Friday that it had received a statement on Friday evening that the organization's secretary-general, Yunus Qandil, had disappeared under mysterious circumstances in Amman, adding that it was investigating the incident.

    The Ammon site quoted a source in the Directorate as saying that Qandil had disappeared in Tareq and that his vehicle had been found there. 
    According to his brother Adel Kandil, the car was found in an "unusual position", where the engine was working, the lights turned on, and the doors were open. 
    Adel Qandil accused the Brotherhood of causing the abduction of his brother, adding that the latter filed a security report last week for receiving death threats. 
    Last month, the Jordanian authorities banned a controversial conference called "Insurers Without Borders" because it contained insulting clauses. 
    "Insured without Borders" is a research and research institution established in 2013 based in Rabat, Morocco, with several branches and coordination offices in some Arab countries. 
    The Foundation says that it "contributes to the creation of a free and creative knowledge space to discuss the issues of renewal and religious reform in Arab and Islamic societies, and that faith without limits is superior to biases and ideological, racial, cultural, religious, sectarian and sectarian differences." 
    It also aims to "create the opportunity, the enabling environment and the support that allows the various types of intellectual and scientific pluralism to interact and combine their efforts."[/ltr]
    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277821
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    The disappearance of the Secretary-General of "believers without borders" in mysterious circumstance Empty Found the Secretary-General of "Insureds without Borders" in the Oman Marshlands

    Post by Rocky Sat 10 Nov 2018, 3:04 am

    [size=40]Found the Secretary-General of "Insureds without Borders" in the Oman Marshlands[/size]

    • November 10, 2018 10:54 p

    • 18

    Jordanian security services on Saturday morning found the Secretary-General of the Foundation "believers without borders" Younis Qandil in the woods of the region of Ain Ghazal in Amman, after his disappearance in mysterious circumstances yesterday evening.

    Qandil's friends posted on their Facebook accounts the news of his finding, with reference to being beaten, abused and intimidated.

    The Directorate of Public Security has announced that it received a report received Friday evening, the disappearance of Qandil in the capital Amman, after finding his vehicle.

      Current date/time is Fri 20 Sep 2024, 11:11 am