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    (((editorial)))...Complete the quorum problem

    Admin Assist
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    (((editorial)))...Complete the quorum problem Empty (((editorial)))...Complete the quorum problem

    Post by Rocky Sat 25 Jan 2014, 8:03 am

    (((editorial)))...Complete the quorum problem

    1/25/2014 0:00

    Abbas Abdul Razzaq pigment
    printed trait negative performance of the Iraqi parliament for its; previous and subsequent nearing the end of their legislative .. A feature or a problem to complete the quorum supposed to be required to the fullest, which is an obstacle chronic prevented the normal functioning and smooth work of the parliament and the recognition of automatic and flexible laws and legislation that are in the interest of the homeland and the citizen, which is in the heart of the work of Parliament and is one of the most important duties and responsibilities it has pointed to the issue of the Iraqi constitution, complete the quorum unequivocally, in [Article (57): - First: A achieved a quorum for sessions of the House of Representatives in the presence of an absolute majority of its members. To take decisions in the Council of Representatives by simple majority, after a quorum is achieved, unless stated otherwise] in addition to other tasks entrusted to him [Article (58): - The Council of Representatives, including the following: First: Enacting federal laws. Second: Monitoring the performance of the executive authority.] And other functions and responsibilities serious and important.
    , and the main reason behind this is the entry of harassment and Ctrapat political and Altakndqat regional and Ketloah, regional and personal to the dome of the parliament and the confusion a lot of parliamentarians including contrary to legislative and oversight role assigned to them and turning Parliament many cases, a playground for polemics and Alkidiat and Altakndqat and the imposition of wills and attempts to arm-twisting or muscle-flexing and waving or threat of withdrawal and sometimes Back conditional at other times, especially by some of the large blocs and influential in terms of political presence or number, addition, Marathon Altsagitat and Altsagitat mutual All this weakens the work Parliament and rarefied ingredients performance core which is legislation and oversight also weakens the confidence of citizens in the political process, especially if the most important laws that affect the life and security and their standard of living at the mercy of history of political, a lot of important laws and strategy either to leave the parliamentary session to come as delayed important legislation of the session Parliamentary previous to the current parliamentary session was drawing to an end, or that it remains at a standstill pending the completion of a quorum, or complete the "compatibility" and to achieve the acceptable limit of harmony to pass bills or approval.
    has indicated material (57) in (a) that the quorum required for it achieved an absolute majority and the passage of laws is achieved by a simple majority in the event of the completion of a quorum, which is a requirement for the adoption of decisions as in paragraph (b) of the same article it follows this recognition achieved a simple majority at a minimum, which stipulate a condition achieved an absolute majority, and the lack or impossibility achieved an absolute majority will remain All the laws and legislation at the mercy of this verification and seesaw between "absolute" and "relative", Valtosr in the passage of laws is not in the constitutional article, but in the interpretation of this article, or to the lack of legal controls certain and clear deterrent at the same time lead to the achievement of a quorum smoothly, and thus The stumble is in the performance of some parliamentarians.
    and intractable problem and the scourge lies in the participatory nature and Mahassatah which "coincided" by the political process and the nature of the performance of some politicians, which led to the quorum is achieved by absolute majority and even the Mini will not be realized comfortable or easy, if not sometimes impossible, so the news of the adjournment of Parliament to another date because of the lack of complete quorum has become synonymous with the work of the parliament in most of the times its chapters legislature because of lack of consensus Mass and individually each political party to "see" going on the curriculum in her performance Parliamentary (and non-parliamentary too) including Atoashj with their agendas Alhzibweh and Aadlogiadtha and Mtbuniatha and concepts of intellectual and laparoscopic and interests of factional, regional and even sectarian and try every block or point in extending its wings and its arms and impose its will on the format year for the performance of parliament, which is the highest legislative authority in the country to pass its will and vision to everyone, and this explains the series Alastasaouat that accompany every process of legislation and also explains the lack of level of acceptable and reasonable harmony to achieve the ratio ergonomic required to pass the laws, especially those related to infrastructure or the standard of living of the citizen or the terms of the security file, and finally the budget and pension law, we could not find any common vision of the University of the blocks and the political parties in the discussion or approve or pass any law or bill during the two sessions of Parliament. Yes difference Ward within the contexts of democracy, but the difference is in the public interest and not vice versa, as is happening now with the General Budget Law and the parliament in the legislative term last legislative elections on doors, any message gives some parliamentarians who be elected or elected by their counterparts in the bloc and their parties? Vtattiyl approving the budget for any reason, it means that there is paralysis in all aspects of the state, and one of the reasons for deactivation is not to complete the quorum in accordance with Article 57 of the Iraqi Constitution, and the harmony and the required consensus among the members of Parliament, not only for reasons of "legislative" It is a political message from the Foundation sovereign task in a matter of a sensitive and dangerous, especially since the tasks carried out by the Iraqi army against terrorism requires a harmonious and national consensus years and in all state institutions and government authorities.
    should be placed controls and mechanisms within the rules of procedure of Parliament to prevent the application of Article aforementioned application temperamental or exploit random unprofessional or put a constitutional amendment authorizing the pass laws more streamlined mechanism.

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