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    Iran 's economy reveals "greedy" buyers of oil

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 272112
    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Iran 's economy reveals "greedy" buyers of oil Empty Iran 's economy reveals "greedy" buyers of oil

    Post by Rocky Sat 05 Jan 2019, 7:11 am

    Iran 's economy reveals "greedy" buyers of oil[/size]
     Iran 's economy reveals "greedy" buyers of oil Iran-oil

     Twilight News    

     2 hours ago

    Iran's deputy oil minister, Amir Hussein Zamani Nia, said on Saturday that all countries that have been exempted from the United States to buy a specific amount of Iranian oil imports are committed to US sanctions.

    "They do not want to buy even a single barrel of oil from Iran," the Iranian Oil Ministry's Web site (Shana) quoted Zamani Nia as saying.

    He added that despite US sanctions on Iran, Tehran had reached some new "potential" oil buyers, driven by "greed and the pursuit of profit."

    He gave no further details and did not disclose the names of those countries.

    In August and November, the United States imposed two severe sanctions on Iran, targeting oil, aviation, industry and banking.

    The US president, Donald Trump, withdrew from the nuclear deal with Iran in May 2018 and announced sanctions against Tehran after the latter exploited the proceeds of the deal to fund rocket activities and arm terrorist militias in the Middle East.

    A few days ago, Iranian President Hassan Rowhani admitted the impact of US sanctions, saying that "sanctions will affect the lives of citizens, the development of the country and economic growth."

    In a new report, the International Monetary Fund predicted a contraction in the Iranian economy due to these sanctions.

    In its World Economic Outlook, the IMF said Iran's economy is expected to shrink by 3.6 percent in 2019.


      Current date/time is Sun 16 Jun 2024, 3:47 am