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    Fifteen deputies will be replaced by parliament

    Admin Assist
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    Fifteen deputies will be replaced by parliament Empty Fifteen deputies will be replaced by parliament

    Post by Rocky Thu 30 May 2019, 3:44 am

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    Fifteen deputies will be replaced by parliament

    15 MPs are the final number of deputies who will be replaced by parliament after rising at the expense of others by "wrong", a parliamentary lawmaker said on Thursday.
    The official said in a statement to the Gulf newspaper, "Kalkamesh Press", "The file that has become the hands of the Federal Court being the highest authority in the country, will not stop at the four deputies who have been replaced at varying periods of this month, the last two deputies this week, In the end to 15 members of parliament, will be withdrawn and immunity, and replace them with others who considered last year losers. "
    The official revealed that "the Judicial Committee, which oversaw the elections after the fraud scandal and the expulsion of the Commission of the Commission of the Electoral Commission, caused this error, which is no more technical." He explained that "the judges who received the file of elections after the appeals of the ballot, were not eligible for this work, because it is related to the account, they are very inexperienced in this area, as their work in the courts and not counting the votes of voters and overseeing the electoral process full of errors and mathematical and digital.
    The official pointed out that "the big mistake that occurred in the elections, is the way of calculating the seats of the quota, the scale that was in effect, was a quarter, or four deputies, corresponding to one of the quota in the provinces that include religious or national minorities, and in other provinces are adopted all Three male deputies in front of one woman, according to the proportion of the parliament in the women's 25 percent. "
    He pointed out that "these gradations were difficult for the Council of Judges appointed for this task," and that "the calculation was incorrect, which caused the rise of people to Parliament at the expense of others."
    He explained that "the appeals made on the technical errors to the Federal Court, immediately after the elections, were neglected, as the results came on the basis of the monitoring of the Judicial Council are confident, but the opposition of current parliamentarians and candidates losers challenged the results, caused the reopening of the file Through Article 52 of the Iraqi Constitution, including ensuring the validity of the membership of the House of Representatives through requests submitted to his presidency, as well as the Federal Supreme Court in the country.
    The fifth election since 2003, the most controversial, accompanied by complaints of fraud and manipulation of votes, and pressure on voters, before the end of a huge fire in the counting center, came to tens of thousands of votes, and the government then acknowledged that it was deliberate.

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    Admin Assist
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    Fifteen deputies will be replaced by parliament Empty The most prominent deputies threatened with replacement in the House of Representatives

    Post by Rocky Thu 30 May 2019, 3:45 am

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    The most prominent deputies threatened with replacement in the House of Representatives

    A source close to the Judicial Committee formed to investigate the case of the rise of deputies at the expense of others in the last elections, there are names strongly candidate for replacement and mop the parliament.
    The source said in a statement to the Gulf newspaper, "Kilgamesh Press" that "the deputies threatened to get out of the Iraqi parliament: the leader of the alliance," axis "Mohammed Karbouli for Anbar province, prominent Kurdish MP Alla Talabani, a leader of the alliance" Fatah "Mohammed Darraji, "Suroun" MPs Hamdallah Rikabi ".
    According to the source, "is reviewing the way to calculate their votes again, after receiving appeals from candidates losers say they are better than the seat of parliament."

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    Fifteen deputies will be replaced by parliament Empty Deputy reveals the federal exposure to "political pressure" on the file replacement of deputies

    Post by Rocky Thu 30 May 2019, 5:59 am

    Deputy reveals the federal exposure to "political pressure" on the file replacement of deputies

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    BAGHDAD - 
    The MP for the reform coalition Ali al-Badiri, on Thursday, the political pressure exerted on the Federal Court in order not to proceed with the file of the replacement of deputies, stressing that the replacement will include 12 deputies. 
    Al-Badairi said in a statement published by Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed newspaper that 12 deputies would replace the mistake of the Electoral Commission and the Council of Judges. Not to proceed with the file, and the replacement of members of parliament, because of the presence of party leaders and heads of blocs, won seats in the House of Representatives by the same error, and therefore there is procrastination to implement this matter.
    He added that "because of the lack of clear flow of the subject of replacement, we do not hear about this file in the media, but little," pointing out that "there are strong doubts that the technical errors were intended, by the personalities wanted to get a seat in Parliament, and was able to exploit this relationship Internal and external. " 
    Badieri pointed out that "the weak MP will replace him, while the strong and good relations with the parties and foreign countries, will be pressed to prevent their replacement." Ending / 25

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