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    Deputy demands the government to buy defense systems: Russian S400 or Iranian Khordad

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Deputy demands the government to buy defense systems: Russian S400 or Iranian Khordad Empty Deputy demands the government to buy defense systems: Russian S400 or Iranian Khordad

    Post by Rocky Tue 13 Aug 2019, 3:56 am

    Deputy demands the government to buy defense systems: Russian S400 or Iranian Khordad
     [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]  13/08/2019  138
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    Deputy demands the government to buy defense systems: Russian S400 or Iranian Khordad

    Kalkamsh Press / Baghdad
    MP Hassan Fadam on Tuesday called on the Iraqi government to buy air defense systems such as the Russian S400 or Khordad Iran to protect the atmosphere from foreign attacks.
    "We have repeatedly stressed the need to develop our air defenses and to buy sophisticated and effective systems to confront any aggression," he said in a statement. The weapons stores are from an external enemy or otherwise.
    He pointed out that "there are systems that have proved effective, such as the Russian S400 system or Khordad Iranian and others, and Iraq to accelerate the fortification of its airspace, especially as Iraq has spent hundreds of billions on armament in vain and without strategic planning." 
    He added: "While we ask the government to clarify the circumstances of dozens of incidents related to the targeting of weapons stores and camps in which we have lost significant material and human losses, we also request it to expedite the development of a rapid plan to take the necessary measures to protect Iraq from any aggression."

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