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    Governmental clarification regarding the salaries of employees and retirees for the current year

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277102
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Governmental clarification regarding the salaries of employees and retirees for the current year Empty Governmental clarification regarding the salaries of employees and retirees for the current year

    Post by Rocky Wed 29 Jan 2020, 2:56 am

    [size=41]Governmental clarification regarding the salaries of employees and retirees for the current year

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    [size=32]Yassin Iraq: Follow-up

    The financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, on Wednesday, clarified the salaries of employees and retirees, noting that they are fully insured.
    Saleh said in a press statement, "We assure the employees and retirees of securing salaries for the current fiscal year 2020, without prejudice to them, especially as the cash flow of the budget is reassuring."
    He added, "There are movements and understandings between the House of Representatives and the ministers to present a workable budget that meets its social and economic goals, and work is continuing to be prepared by the relevant Ministry of Finance, although the caretaker government cannot pass bills."
    He pointed out that "the budget for the current year 2020 needs to be re-engineered towards reducing expenditures, reducing the deficit, maximizing some resources and creating what is called (financial sustainability), meaning that the budget has the ability to spend, and this needs time to prepare it properly."
    He stressed, “The conditions that the country went through recently, and the occurrence of many changes, including spending obligations and government decisions, and decisions of the House of Representatives according to the powers of the relevant authorities, which formed additional financial obligations on the budget, led to a large financial deficit in them, so the cabinet returned them after Discuss them with the Ministry of Finance to review some of the spending decisions, and study some revenues in a way that makes them sustainable.
    Saleh expected, "The maturity of the budget during the coming weeks, especially as there is consultation, understanding and exchange of ideas and opinions by the concerned authorities, in an attempt to take measures in a manner that makes the budget permanent, and enhance resources as much as possible, reduce deficits, and control debts."

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