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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi .. The Right Choice

    Admin Assist
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    Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi .. The Right Choice Empty Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi .. The Right Choice

    Post by Rocky Mon 03 Feb 2020, 3:06 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    [size=40]Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi .. The Right Choice
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] On 3/2/2020 - 11:41 AM  7[/size]
    Firas Al-Ghadban Al-Hamdani
    Finally, the President of the Republic announced the assignment of Dr. Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi to form the next Iraqi government after months of different demonstrations from the previous and was expressing a conscious mass will seeking change and returning the state to the right track after difficult and difficult years at the political, security, economic and social levels and the challenges that the country witnessed in Making matters worse, deep and sometimes sterile competition.
    The first promising indications from this mandate is the speech delivered by Dr. Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi and addressed to the people and to the demonstrators who have given 600 martyrs and thousands of wounded and demanded them not to stop peaceful demonstrations, and to remain in the arenas until all the demands are fulfilled and that those responsible for targeting the demonstrators and treat the wounded and guarantee the rights of the families of the martyrs And those who were affected a lot from the recent events.
    The word is a title for the beginning of an important stage that can provide a great guarantee for political, security and economic transformations. It is hoped that it will provide guarantees of political transformation and the holding of free and fair elections that bring ministers and representatives representing the will of the people and the uprising masses that came out in rejection of the ruling and who have endured the tortures of a stressful period characterized by tension and mistrust between the parties. Politicians have witnessed external interventions and proxy conflicts. It cannot be guaranteed that they will benefit Iraq, and it must be left because it has made Iraq a fertile ground for disputes, corruption, and political prevalence.
    It remains to say that the choice of Dr. Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi represents the most correct and correct choice for this stage, as his choice represents the desire of the demonstrators who are demanding the desired change. The masses want it away from the will of the active powers.

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