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    Resuming economic work in all Iranian regions, except for Tehran

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Resuming economic work in all Iranian regions, except for Tehran Empty Resuming economic work in all Iranian regions, except for Tehran

    Post by Rocky Sat 11 Apr 2020, 1:55 am

    [size=36]Resuming economic work in all Iranian regions, except for Tehran[/size]

    Economy | 09:20 - 11/04/2020

    Resuming economic work in all Iranian regions, except for Tehran 61142020_1-1189343

    Follow-up - Mawazine News
    Iran has resumed its economic work in all regions except Tehran, by decision of the Supreme Committee against Coronavirus, within the "smart social spacing plan" or the second stage of confronting the virus.
    The official departments in the provinces will work with two-thirds of their employees, with working hours determined from seven in the morning until two in the afternoon, with healthy protocols in the workplaces to be observed by employees and auditors, with work resuming in the capital, Tehran, starting next Saturday, April 18.
    In government and private companies and free professions, the decision includes less dangerous jobs that do not cause the gathering of a large number of citizens, so restaurants, cafes, swimming pools, beauty salons, sports clubs, Internet cafes, hotels, party halls, cinemas, etc. will remain closed until further notice.
    Irij Harerji, the Iranian Deputy Minister of Health, said that any place of economic activity will be closed in order to disregard the health protocols, and that the authorities will not tolerate this matter, stressing that the Ministry of Health in cooperation with the Ministry of Industry announced health protocols and distributed them to professionals, and that they should sign a pledge to abide by them. .
    Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said that there is no option for Tehran but to gradually restore economic activity in light of the American sanctions and economic pressure it is witnessing, stressing that the government cannot ask all citizens to stay in their homes. End / 29 / p

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Resuming economic work in all Iranian regions, except for Tehran Empty Iran resumes economic work in all regions except Tehran

    Post by Rocky Sat 11 Apr 2020, 6:31 am


    Iran resumes economic work in all regions except Tehran

    [rtl]Editing Date: 11/4/2020 11:28 • 43 Read times[/rtl]
    Resuming economic work in all Iranian regions, except for Tehran Story_img_5e917f90999e1
    [Follow-up] Where
    Iran resumed its economic work in all regions except Tehran, by decision of the Supreme Committee to Combat Corona Virus, within the "smart social divergence plan" or the second stage of confronting the virus.
    The official departments in the provinces will work with two-thirds of their employees, with working hours determined from seven in the morning until two in the afternoon, with healthy protocols in the workplaces to be observed by employees and auditors, with work resuming in the capital, Tehran, starting next Saturday, April 18.
    In government and private companies and free professions, the decision includes less dangerous jobs that do not cause the gathering of a large number of citizens, so restaurants, cafes, swimming pools, beauty salons, sports clubs, Internet cafes, hotels, party halls, cinemas, etc. will remain closed until further notice.
    Irij Harerji, the Iranian Deputy Minister of Health, said that any place of economic activity will be closed in order to disregard the health protocols, and that the authorities will not tolerate this matter, stressing that the Ministry of Health in cooperation with the Ministry of Industry announced health protocols and distributed them to professionals, and that they should sign a pledge to abide by them. .
    Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has said that there is no option for Tehran but to gradually restore economic activity in light of the US sanctions and economic pressure it is witnessing, stressing that the government cannot require all citizens to stay in their homes.

      Current date/time is Sat 18 Jan 2025, 12:12 pm