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    Bloomberg: Predictions of an imminent economic crisis

    Admin Assist
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    Bloomberg: Predictions of an imminent economic crisis Empty Bloomberg: Predictions of an imminent economic crisis

    Post by Rocky Mon 07 Sep 2020, 7:30 am

    [size=35][size=35]Bloomberg: Predictions of an imminent economic crisis[/size]


    2020-09-07 | 05:25
    Bloomberg: Predictions of an imminent economic crisis Doc-P-357550-637350682800753434



    "Bloomberg" agency reported that economists expect new problems in the global economy before the end of this year, and the expectations come despite indications of the economy recovering after the Corona crisis.

    Agree "Bloomberg“Experts fear an economic recession at the end of 2020,” he said [url= %D9%81%D9%8A%D9%84%D8%B3/ar/]Joachim Fels[/url], Global Economic Advisor at Pacific Investment Management, "Countries have already reached their peak, and then recession will start."

    "The governments of developed countries have spent trillions of dollars on support measures to restore economies to normal after the crisis. Corona. Indeed, unemployment fell sharply last August in the United States, and the situation in the housing market improved. The Chinese economy is recovering as well, and production is growingGermany".

    The agency quoted economists as saying that it is difficult to maintain this progress, as this will require the countries of the world to intensify efforts to stimulate the economy, and this comes at a time when governments are preparing to reduce support measures.
    For example, 1.4 million jobs were created in the US in August, he says [url= %D8%B3%D9%88%D9%8A%D8%AA/ar/]Ryan Sweet[/url] From agency "Moody'sFor credit rating: “The economy should follow this pace, but without support it will be difficult to do so.” In addition, experts do not rule out the escalation of tensions between

    There are also other warning signs. Earlier this month, several major trading companies announced job cuts, including Ford Motor Company. European factories are trying to cut costs, as weak demand and lower prices hurt factory profits.

    WashingtonAnd Beijing before the presidential elections in the United States in November, which may undermine confidence in the business sector.

    Either inChinaConsumers are unwilling to spend money, and the largest banks registered the worst fall in profits in more than a decade, due to bad debt growth. Added to all this is the fear of a second wave of the virus

    CoronaWhere the economist warns, And[url= %D9%85%D8%A7%D9%83%D9%8A%D8%A8%D9%8A%D9%86/ar/]Eric McKibben[/url], That the vaccination will take a long time before spreading in the world. He estimated the damage to the global economy due to the pandemic in the coming years at about $ 35 trillion.

      Current date/time is Sun 15 Sep 2024, 10:18 pm