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    Museum ..!Author: d. Appearance of Mohammed Saleh

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    Museum ..!Author: d. Appearance of Mohammed Saleh Empty Museum ..!Author: d. Appearance of Mohammed Saleh

    Post by Rocky Wed 09 Jul 2014, 7:54 am

    Museum ..!Author: d. Appearance of Mohammed Saleh

    07/09/2014 0:00

    D. Appearance of Mohammed Saleh 
    captured the feelings glory of Mesopotamia when he touched my feet for the first time suite Assyriology at the British Museum in London several years ago, and I borrowed the day the flame in my chest will not be extinguished, but in front of a piece of rock filled an entire wall and a large area of the wing, while uprooted as tracers of one of the cities of Nineveh, the historic find their place in the courtyard of the hippocampus in the British Museum. 
    was painting the rock-mentioned embodiment victory of the Battle of Assyrian and a legacy of the kingdom and civilization sprawling border, enormous good things, like peace, but coveted narrators out over the times. And carried the painting and others in this place from the ground of the British Isles desire of modern civilization and the strength of their adherence to the past, the old and the ability to discover the treasures Almkhbuh in the civilizations of the world, since the day sent missions archaeological exploration jurisprudence civilizations through the transfer of symbols and creativity embodied by force Nhataha and Mmariaha in those civilizations entrenched foot. It also charged that panels of Iraq history magician in the stability and strength .. It's Assyrian civilization, one of the most powerful civilizations sequence in national and preserved for future generations of wisdom and excellence in medicine, astronomy, magic and engineering, as people are still reveres her memory. 
    has taken the painting stone, which draw upon the history of civilization Assyrian, to the door of my mind and I do not perform in Sri work without a great sacrifice and victims as embodied in the painting as one of the Assyrians battles with their enemies! It is the experience of a national civilization fought brilliantly and successfully demonstrated their ability and ideal in building Ashur great! It is an act befitting Balahrar not slaves ..! 
    departed British Museum evening and I myself that the emperor Ashurbanipal did not teach us civilization in the day to be suitable for fighting and let the invaders tearing the land alone tributary of the Tigris and Euphrates in the country called Mesopotamia .. What a loss, .. What's the fastest to solve the corruption replaced the glory and spread destruction on the ground and overrun by decay on the ruins of an ancient civilization and the easiest of the day foray treacherous robbed museums Iraq, to erase the greatness and glory of my clutch his hand on the sun. They are barbarians thieves do not force them nor wisdom in Neil Almarb only create a relationship vague between the past glorious and present bitter faded in Tdaiv causation and selfishness. 
    ask me Mahdtta that sat next to me at a scientific conference held at the London School of Economics and Political Science, a university professor in the Sociology of Stanford University, wondering how I spent the day yesterday in London?, I replied, I visited the British Museum, looking for traces of ancient Mesopotamia .. after that my stolen Museums!! Those silent little .. university professor said: Do not be sad on the effects of your home country that she would return to the bosom of Iraq are all in one day .. and please listen to a little bit .. I replied yes! She said: I was a student at the University of Florence, Italy in the early sixties of the last century have been on the old city to flood a rare, we are forced us to transfer students to the university library, fearing damage to the upper floors of the water that overtook the city's bridges and even one that bridges the historical monument by the famous statue Flood waters have covered the Arno River and caused the drowning and collapsed to the bottom of the river!. Flood ended and the municipality of Florence regained the statue and placed it in its proper place, but I found a headless! The municipality tried repeatedly search for the statue's head in the bottom of the river and did not find him. The towering statue remained without a head for three decades. On the day of the Municipality of Florence received a letter from a citizen that he has reached the age of eighty years and has no need for the head of the statue, after receiving the Rajya put in place in order to capture! Municipality of Florence then took over the statue's head missing and has developed a head on the body of the statue majestic ceremony for the return of these historic Italian city cast! 
    elite speak, the university professor that she wanted to let me know that there is wisdom behind the effects return to the bosom of their habitat no matter how long!. Promising that the statues of Iraq and the masterpiece of historical stolen will inevitably to the museums of the country in one day even lasts for Iraq clarity and continues bliss and your battle is lingering in the future of civilization is not the battle of romantic occupy a false on the walls of history did not leave behind an impact not close ..!! 

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