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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Former MP: The rise in the price of the dollar threatens to increase the "poor of Iraq" by 10%

    Admin Assist
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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Former MP: The rise in the price of the dollar threatens to increase the "poor of Iraq" by 10% Empty Former MP: The rise in the price of the dollar threatens to increase the "poor of Iraq" by 10%

    Post by Rocky Sun 28 Mar 2021, 7:54 am

    Former MP: The rise in the price of the dollar threatens to increase the "poor of Iraq" by 10%
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    A member of the State of Law coalition, former representative Raad Al-Mas, confirmed, on Sunday, that raising the exchange rate of the dollar threatens to increase the number of poor Iraq by 10 %.
    Al-Mas said, "The rise in the exchange rate of the dollar a few months ago came as a government measure to confront the collapse of global oil prices, which created a severe financial crisis in Iraq that impeded the payment of salaries to millions of employees, but the situation changed after the oil market recovered and prices rose again ."
    Al-Mas added, "The continuation of work at the new exchange rate for the dollar led to an increase in the prices of some basic foodstuffs to more than 50%, which constituted an additional burden on the shoulders of millions of Iraqis who live below the poverty line." Poor people by 10% and this is a catastrophic matter .
    He pointed out that "the high exchange rates of the dollar were not accompanied by any supportive programs for the simple people in terms of reviving the ration card file or seeking to control the high price fever," indicating that "the survival of the exchange rate will lead to a humanitarian disaster in Iraq ."
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