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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Planning: Extreme poverty did not exceed 2% of iraq's poverty rate

    Admin Assist
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    Planning: Extreme poverty did not exceed 2% of iraq's poverty rate Empty Planning: Extreme poverty did not exceed 2% of iraq's poverty rate

    Post by Rocky Tue 27 Apr 2021, 7:22 am

    Planning: Extreme poverty did not exceed 2% of iraq's poverty rate

     2021-04-27 04:53
    The Ministry of Planning announced tuesday that extreme poverty did not exceed 2% of iraq's poverty rate, indicating that the highest poverty rate in Iraq is concentrated in Muthanna province and the lowest poverty rate concentrated in Kurdistan province and Baghdad.

    "Extreme poverty is very small and ranges from 1.5 to 2 percent of Iraq's poverty rate of 30%, according to the latest 2020 census," ministry spokesman Abdul Zahra al-Hindawi told Shafq News. 

    "Muthanna province is still the highest among the provinces with a very high poverty rate and 52 percent, followed by Diwaniyah and Dhi Qar provinces, 48 to 49 percent, nineveh province with 41 percent and poverty in other southern provinces at about 32 percent," he said.

    "The poverty rate in the central provinces ranges from 20 to 21 percent, while the poverty rate in Anbar, Kirkuk, Diyala and Salah al-Din provinces is between 17 and 18 percent," he said.

    Economic conditions and poor services have prompted demonstrations in Iraq, which have led to the dismissal of Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi and the appointment of Mustafa Al-Kadhimi as prime minister until the next elections are held at the end of this year.

    According to a UN UNICEF report, more than 40% of Iraq's children are below the poverty line, while Iraq has a global oil reserves of 145.5 billion barrels and these black gold reserves account for about 12.2% of the organization's total reserves.

    Extreme poverty or absolute poverty, originally defined by the United Nations in 1995 as "a situation characterized by severe deprivation of basic humanitarian needs, including food, safe drinking water, sanitation, health, shelter, education and information, depends not only on income but also on access to services".

    Currently, extreme poverty is widely indicated to earn below the international poverty line of US$1.25/day (at 2005 prices).
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