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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Water Resources: An Iraqi delegation will visit Turkey early next month regarding the water quota

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Water Resources: An Iraqi delegation will visit Turkey early next month regarding the water quota Empty Water Resources: An Iraqi delegation will visit Turkey early next month regarding the water quota

    Post by Rocky Sun 22 Aug 2021, 8:06 am

    [size=45][size=41]Water Resources: An Iraqi delegation will visit Turkey early next month regarding the water quota[/size][/size]

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    Al-Nour News/ Follow-
    ups The Ministry of Water Resources revealed today, Sunday, the visit of an Iraqi delegation to Turkey early next month to discuss the issue of Iraq's share of water.

    Ministry spokesman Ali Radi said, in a statement, that "the current year is considered water scarce, and there is a clear shortage in the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, whose level has decreased to more than 50%, in addition to the water drop at large rates in the Dukan Dam, Darbandikhan, Sirwan and Diyala," pointing out He added, "The water needs for this season and the next winter season have been secured from what is available from good water storage in reservoirs and lakes."

    He pointed out, "Many meetings were held with the Turkish and Syrian sides within the water file, and that there is an expected visit of an Iraqi delegation to Turkey early next month in order to complete the meetings and discussions regarding Iraq's share and water releases in the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, as well as preparing for a joint tripartite meeting that includes Iraq." Turkey and Syria on the issue of sharing damage during the water scarcity period, completing the discussion on the joint protocol between Iraq and Turkey, and establishing a research center in Iraq.

    Radi confirmed, "These files and other files will be discussed during this visit of the Iraqi delegation, and that the visit of the Minister of Water Resources will be the culmination of a series of meetings with the Syrian side, his meeting with a group of Syrian officials, and a set of hypothetical points with the Syrian side regarding the water file." Pointing out that "an Iraqi delegation had previously visited Turkey last June. During his visit, these important files were discussed, and the delegation was briefed on a group of facilities and water reservoirs in the Ilisu Dam."

    He pointed out, "This movement will culminate in the upcoming visit of the Iraqi delegation next month, to discuss these files in a broader and more accurate way."

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