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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Adviser to the Prime Minister: Electricity in Iraq has drained more than 120 billion dollars and is

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    Adviser to the Prime Minister: Electricity in Iraq has drained more than 120 billion dollars and is  Empty Adviser to the Prime Minister: Electricity in Iraq has drained more than 120 billion dollars and is

    Post by Rocky Mon 27 Sep 2021, 6:49 am

    Adviser to the Prime Minister: Electricity in Iraq has drained more than 120 billion dollars and is still stumbling

    •  Time: 09/27/2021 08:23:19
    •  Reading: 1,001 times

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    {Economic: Al Furat News} The economic advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, considered the Central Bank's initiative to support clean energy, as a progressive project that reduces the waste of money spent on the electricity sector.
    Saleh said in a press statement, said that "central banks policies in the world have seen changes after the global recession in 2008 and continue down to the pandemic Kovid - 19, indicating that the damage caused to the economies of the world to pay most of the banks to go to support development activities."
    He added: that one of the big problems in Iraq is the electric energy, which drained more than 120 billion dollars, indicating that the process of securing energy is still faltering due to mismanagement and waste.

    He made it clear that Iraq's population is increasing and the demand for electricity is increasing doubly, so the entry of clean energy needed an initiative, noting that the Central Bank had taken this important step to insure that energy units contribute to solar energy

    The central bank, has been identified, the benefit of not more than 1% for the granting of loans for the purchase of solar energy systems, stressing that "the year 2022 will witness a qualitative leap and clear in changing the Iraqi individual's behavior in the use of renewable energy, solar energy is not only at the level of state institutions, but will include homes Also, at the level of housing complexes with soft loans and all industrial, agricultural and other activities.”
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