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    Adviser to the Prime Minister: Iraq's "payable" debts do not exceed $20 billion

    Admin Assist
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    Adviser to the Prime Minister: Iraq's "payable" debts do not exceed $20 billion Empty Adviser to the Prime Minister: Iraq's "payable" debts do not exceed $20 billion

    Post by Rocky Fri 14 Jan 2022, 6:57 am

    Adviser to the Prime Minister: Iraq's "payable" debts do not exceed $20 billion

    [ltr]2022.01.14 - 12:24[/ltr]

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    Baghdad - people  
    The financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, confirmed, on Friday, that raising Iraq from the list of high risks encourages the entry of capital into the country, while noting that Iraq's financial rating is high and has the ability to pay off debts and confront them.  
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    Saleh said, to the official agency, and followed by "Nas" (January 14, 2022), that "the situation of foreign debt is comfortable and decreasing, and there is financial space in Iraq at the present time," noting that "what must be paid does not exceed 20 billion dollars, and this has allocations." in the budget.  
    He added that "Iraq's rating is high, and this classification did not come from a vacuum and we have the ability to pay off debts and confront them," noting that "the neo-liberalism in the world liberated the world's economies, including Iraq, so liberating the economy and financial transfer in the world daily is about 5 trillion dollars, and this The exchanges include problems, economic crimes, money laundering, and others.”  
    He pointed out that "Iraq was infected with suspicions of money laundering due to the occupation of ISIS, which is a terrorist force and has external financing.  
    He stressed that "Iraq has proven that it is free of money laundering and has been raised from the list of high risks to natural, and this is a very important matter that gives freedom and liberalism to banks to work in global environments, the ability to immunize, attention and low cost, which encourages the entry of capital into the country without problems, and this is positive for the benefit of Iraq." .  
    And the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced, last Monday, that the European Union removed the name of Iraq from the list of countries with risks regarding the fight against terrorism and money laundering.  
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