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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Coordination Framework Lawyer: It is not possible to predict the Federal Court's decision and the pr

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    Coordination Framework Lawyer: It is not possible to predict the Federal Court's decision and the pr Empty Coordination Framework Lawyer: It is not possible to predict the Federal Court's decision and the pr

    Post by Rocky Sat 25 Dec 2021, 6:26 am

    Coordination Framework Lawyer: It is not possible to predict the Federal Court's decision and the pronunciation of the Monday session

    •  Time: 12/24/2021 21:05:45
    •  Reading: 1,586 times

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    {Political: Al Furat News} The Coordinating Framework's lawyer, Muhammad Al-Saadi, stressed the difficulty of "predicting" the decision of the Federal Supreme Court regarding appeals against the results of the parliamentary elections that took place on the tenth of last October.
    Al-Saadi told {Euphrates News}: "It is not possible to speculate on any decision issued by the Federal Court because the decisions belong to it only and there is no knowledge of how to study it even in simple cases. How can we predict the decisions of such cases that have a political side?"
    Regarding the date of the session, which coincides with an official holiday {next Sunday}, Al-Saadi said, “The law confirms that if the day of pronouncement of the ruling falls on a holiday, it is postponed to the next day, meaning that the pronouncement will be next Monday, according to the law.”
    The Federal Supreme Court, last Wednesday, ended the pleading session regarding the appeals submitted in the results of the parliamentary elections after hearing the last pleas and requests of the two litigating parties, and the court decided to conclude the pleading and set next Sunday as the date for issuing the decision in the case, but it will coincide with an official holiday on the occasion of the birthday of Christ {p. }.
    The head of the Al-Fateh Alliance, Hadi Al-Amiri, attended Wednesday's session and presented evidence of fraud and the electoral commission's tampering with the results before the Federal Court.
    Al-Amiri, who filed the appeal, also demanded a re-counting and manual counting in four electoral districts, one in the Kurdistan region and in the western, central and southern governorates.

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