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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    A Canadian Newspaper Admits: Extending The Mission Of Our Forces In Iraq Is Necessary For The Sake O

    Admin Assist
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    A Canadian Newspaper Admits: Extending The Mission Of Our Forces In Iraq Is Necessary For The Sake O Empty A Canadian Newspaper Admits: Extending The Mission Of Our Forces In Iraq Is Necessary For The Sake O

    Post by Rocky Mon 28 Mar 2022, 2:33 pm

    [size=38]A Canadian Newspaper Admits: Extending The Mission Of Our Forces In Iraq Is Necessary For The Sake Of Oil And American Interests
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    LAST UPDATE 03/28/2022 | 8:00 PM
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    The Canadian Globe and Mail newspaper acknowledged that extending the mission of Canadian forces in Iraq deserves to continue to maintain good relations with Washington and consider Iraq a regional power and an important oil producer in the world.
    The report, which was translated by the agency "Information", stated, "One of the arenas of conflict that is still boiling is Iraq, and our mission there will end at the end of March, so we must renew it, but we must do so with our eyes open to new risks and developments in the mission."
    "Let's not kid ourselves, we're in Iraq to be seen as a good ally so the mission is important to maintain good relations with Washington, and as is often the case, one of the major considerations shaping Canada's decision to contribute to the military intervention is not just about the situation," he added. On the ground but also managed by the international coalition led by the United States.”
    The report also indicated that "the threat now to the deployment of the Canadian armed forces in Iraq comes mainly from the Iraqi resistance factions, as the Canadian government was not transparent enough about this development and needs to convey it clearly to the Canadian public."
    The report revealed that "Canada has an interest in (the democratization) of Iraq, as it is a regional power and an important oil producer and may be a bulwark against the so-called Iranian influence in the Middle East," according to the newspaper's expression.
    The report claimed that “Iraq is not yet stable, and without the help of NATO and other forces the country could witness a renewed insurgency of ISIS, so the Canadian government needs to open up with its citizens about its evolving goal in Iraq, but it is worth continuing to stay in the country.” According to his saying. End / 25 z
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