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    The call: Initiatives are just slogans, and the framework seeks to hold parliament sessions

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    The call: Initiatives are just slogans, and the framework seeks to hold parliament sessions Empty The call: Initiatives are just slogans, and the framework seeks to hold parliament sessions

    Post by Rocky Thu 11 Aug 2022, 3:29 pm

    [size=35][size=35]The call: Initiatives are just slogans, and the framework seeks to hold parliament sessions[/size]
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    Sumerian special

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    2022-08-11 | 14:40
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    The Deputy Secretary-General of the Dawa Party, the Iraq Organization, Khaled Al-Asadi, confirmed today, Thursday, that the coordinating framework focused on forming the blocking third and did not seek to disrupt the political process, explaining that all the political initiatives that were launched are just slogans and propaganda for the parties that launched them, while revealing that the framework seeks to hold sessions Parliament is elsewhere.

    Al-Asadi said in an interview with Alana program broadcast by Alsumaria satellite channel, "The [url= %D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B5%D8%AF%D8%B1%D9%8A/ar/]Sadrist movement[/url]'s demonstrations are dense and they have an obedient audience, and the size of the demonstrations is not surprising, but we were surprised by the proposals that called for the overthrow of the political process, Parliament and the [url= %D8%A7%D9%84%D9%82%D8%B6%D8%A7%D8%A6%D9%8A/ar/]Judicial Council[/url] and escalation in this direction. It was surprising that two months ago, they were part of the the political process."

    He added that "the coordinating framework focused on forming the blocking third and did not seek to disrupt the political process, and the last solution was that the Kurds did not agree on the position of the president of the republic and not the choice of the prime minister."

    Al-Asadi pointed out that "the past elections were marred by a lot of corruption, fraud, manipulation, and foreign interference, and those who wanted their failure made them take place in this way," noting that "the [url= %D8%B3%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85 %D8%AB%D9%88%D8%B1%D8%A9 %D8%A3%D9%83%D8%AA%D9%88%D8%A8%D8%B1/ar/]October revolution[/url] was a revolution with a political agenda and not a popular revolution because those like it joined the political process as parties and entities."
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    He stressed that "all the political initiatives that were launched were not accepted and were just slogans and propaganda for the parties that launched them," explaining that "the Dawa Party did not launch an initiative to solve the crisis because it will not reach a result, because unless we achieve consensus among the political forces, these initiatives will not work." .

    Al-Asadi indicated that "there is a possibility to dissolve parliament, but according to the understanding between the political forces, because there are specific mechanisms for dissolving the parliament. Either it is dissolved on a constitutional basis or a popular basis, and the popular basis will not lead to anything due to the different orientations between the political parties."

    He pointed out that "the coordinating framework seeks to hold parliament sessions in another place to solve the crisis of forming the next government," noting that "there are parties seeking to fabricate Shiite-Shiite fighting between the framework and the current, and there are those who look at this fighting," stressing that "whoever wants to avoid escalation will seek dialogue." ".

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