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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Infallible: the dialogue between Arbil and Baghdad will begin within a week or two

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Infallible: the dialogue between Arbil and Baghdad will begin within a week or two Empty Infallible: the dialogue between Arbil and Baghdad will begin within a week or two

    Post by Rocky Wed 17 Sep 2014, 6:36 am

    Infallible: the dialogue between Arbil and Baghdad will begin within a week or two

     Khandan - The President of the Republic Fuad Masum, the dialogue between the Kurdistan region and the federal government to solve problems, will begin within a week or two, as revealed for request military assistance from countries in a position to do so. said Masum told «life», "asked for military assistance from nations position to do so. Some have planes could bomb the coordination between its cadres and our staff GPS., and some of them mightily to provide humanitarian assistance and the third cares sheltering the displaced and resettled, Iraq is a sovereign country has the right to deal with some countries to assist in the required areas. " and whether the government formation new preclude the resumption of relations between Iraq and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) said that "to accuse Iraq as belonging to Iran is incorrect. government's new government of national unity that represents all components of the Iraqi people, which is coherent, and cohesion will continue, especially after the emergence of Daash because it is not a danger to Christians and Yazidis only , but for everyone. has found a full understanding of the nations gathered here in Paris for the seriousness of Daash and the need to end it. " and penetration Daash between Syria and Iraq and its impact on Baghdad's ties to the Syrian regime, said: "The elimination of Daash in Iraq will affect the development of the organization in general. The situation is different for Syria Some countries want that does not have to intervene in favor of governance, and this is the subject of dispute. " and a meeting with French President Francois Hollande and then with John Kerry, said: "During the meetings were confirmed to be our joint work, and the formation of a professional to carry out the political decision that has been taken. " and the Kurdish situation and if he will affect positively in the dispute between the government and the province said: "Yes, that's what I think. For oil there is an agreement between the parties, and must put an oil law to resolve these problems. Within a week or two starts a dialogue between the province and the federal government to solve these problems. "And added:" During the days will appoint defense and interior ministers. "  renewed as saying that "it was necessary to attend the Iran conference in Paris, they are part of the region and the border between them and Iraq stretching 1000 km. Has been confirmed by the French need to attend Tehran because it has provided us weapons since the first day to address Daash. " and relations with the Gulf Cooperation Council said that "the foreign minister visited Jeddah and met with Prince Saud al-Faisal at the conference in Paris and I hope the return relations to normal between the two parties."

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