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    Projects to improve the services on the outskirts of Baghdad

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Projects to improve the services on the outskirts of Baghdad Empty Projects to improve the services on the outskirts of Baghdad

    Post by Rocky Tue 30 Sep 2014, 5:52 am

    Projects to improve the services on the outskirts of Baghdad

    9/30/2014 0:01 
     Tamimi: the inclusion of hand Hosseinieh Plan 2015 
    Baghdad Wafaa Amer , in a move designed to improve the services provided in the outskirts of Baghdad, allocated provincial council 157 billion dinars for the implementation of new projects. comes at a time when it was announced the governor of Baghdad, Ali al-Tamimi, the inclusion of hand Hosseinieh plan projects in 2015. spend Hosseinieh Tamimi said in a statement the "morning" that the reason for delay in the implementation of projects in the district of Husseiniya due to the delay in approving the budget and bureaucracy and administrative complexities and the lack of cooperation from other government agencies with the province. Governor said: "The local government in Baghdad has decided to convert these terms to spend officially effect Claims locals frequent, it also decided to maintain also replace the manager side to another person due to poor management and lack of ability to provide services to eliminate. , and continued: that the province will take measures to give effect to this decision books official for the inclusion of this elimination of new projects within the budget of the year 2015 include streams and pools of water and 9 new schools, along with clothing the streets and roads. migrate projects from his part, Prime Services Authority in the outskirts of Baghdad Council Ali Alhegel "morning" to migrate projects to balance the 2014 budget of the year 2015, noting that the value of these projects amounting to 157 billion Danar.oiena number large areas of the outskirts of Baghdad, the lack of services provided because of the regime's policies Alsabak.oadav Alhegel that new projects focused on infrastructure and most important of sewage in the districts and areas that range from the value of each of the 60 to 120 billion dinars in the cities and NAHRAWAN and Bour, including 12 projects last 7 respects, namely: "Taji and Tarmiya and the rational as well as Mahmudiyah and spend Independence", pointing out that the designs of these sewers currently exist at the Directorate of Planning in the province to start the procedures Advertising and assignment after the launch of the budget due to the inability to provide financial cover them with adequate and technical and engineering staff required. ongoing projects In the same vein, said Chairman of the Commission that the value of the ongoing projects of the province, amounting to 950 billion dinars, as the Ministry of Finance disposal of these amounts to the province in the form of payments after examining receipts and completion rates of each project, pointing out that the budget must include amounts for emergency and emerging situations espoused by Council, as happened in the file displaced from the provinces hot which made ​​the province is building residential complexes of their own, so it will be a budget for these cases of sums of petrodollars for the Baghdad governorate. security PartiesAlhegel pointed out that the regions of the parties to suffer the repercussions of the security situation and the terrorist attacks suffered by the , especially the scarcity of water in areas like Mahmoudiya trace stop water project Qaqaa which equips the region and around the water Net along with large numbers of displaced people from the regions of the parties and leaving their businesses and agricultural jobs, thus worsening economic situation in these areas, as there are 14 000 displaced families from the districts six surrounding Baghdad out of two and a half million citizen who lives where, in particular the areas of Latifiyah and Mahmudiyah and Yusufiyah, as well as the rational and Taji and Tarmiya of those who fled, mostly to areas south of Baghdad in the session and Amiriya and Abu Ghraib.

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