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    Sponsored the signing of an agreement to develop Baghdad Airport and discussed with “NATO” threats t

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    Sponsored the signing of an agreement to develop Baghdad Airport and discussed with “NATO” threats t Empty Sponsored the signing of an agreement to develop Baghdad Airport and discussed with “NATO” threats t

    Post by Rocky Mon 04 Sep 2023, 4:42 am

    POSTED ON[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] BY [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    [size=52]Sponsored the signing of an agreement to develop Baghdad Airport and discussed with “NATO” threats to cybersecurity…..the Sudanese stressed during the cabinet session that all those responsible for the casualties and injuries in Kirkuk be held accountable[/size]

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    Baghdad / Mustafa Al-Atabi:
    The Prime Minister, Muhammad Shayaa Al-Sudani, stressed the accountability of all those responsible for the fall of the victims and the wounded in Kirkuk. Iraqi Legislation Day), and approved the recommendation of the Energy Ministerial Council regarding the adoption by the Ministry of Oil of the final settlement with Exxon Mobil.
    The media office of the Prime Minister stated in a statement: that the Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia’ Al-Sudani, chaired the thirty-sixth regular session of the Council of Ministers, during which the overall developments in the country’s general conditions were discussed, and the main files included in the government’s priorities were also dealt with, in addition to discussing the listed topics. on the agenda, and make their own decisions.
    He added that at the beginning of the session, the Prime Minister reaffirmed the need for the commitment of all political parties in Kirkuk to preserving civil peace and avoiding falling into any strife, and not relying on the logic of violence and clashes that negatively affect the general situation in Iraq.
    And he stressed his directives that he issued the day before yesterday to the competent authorities not to hesitate, to hold all those responsible for the casualties and the wounded accountable according to the law, after completing the investigations and revealing the circumstances of the unfortunate events.
    Within the framework of the procedures for the fortieth visit, the statement indicated that the governorates, ministries, and entities not associated with a ministry were excluded from the provisions of Article (7/First) (purchase paragraph only) indicated in the third section of the instructions to facilitate the implementation of the General Budget Law for the fiscal years (2023-2024). 2025) to purchase the basic necessary supplies, for the success of the rituals of the Arbaeen visit of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him), based on the provisions of Article (34) of the previously mentioned instructions, and the aforementioned parties bear the integrity and accuracy of contractual procedures.
    In the field of energy, during the session, according to the statement, the recommendation of the Energy Ministerial Council No. (23067i) for the year 2023 regarding the final settlement with Exxon Mobil was approved, according to the following: The Ministry of Oil’s approval of the final settlement agreement between (Basra Oil Company and Exxon Mobil) to resolve the outstanding contentious issues that arose from the service contract for the West Qurna field project, with the exception of the paragraph (tax disputes) indicated in paragraph (1-14) of the settlement agreement.
    On the economic side, the Council approved, according to the statement, the recommendation of the Ministerial Council for Economy (230185 s), which included approval of adjusting the price of the vacuum distillation waste product (VR) to be at (65%) of the price of the fuel oil product, which is supplied to the oxidized asphalt coefficient calculated at the price of (35%) of the price of the international bulletin, according to what was stated in the letter of the Ministry of Oil dated July 1, 2023.
    The Council approved the recommendation of the Ministerial Council for Human Development (23023 b) regarding the Iraqi Legislation Day, according to the following:
    Amending Paragraph (1) of the Ministerial Council for Human Development Recommendation (8 of 2022) to be: Adopting the date of January 15 of each year (day Iraqi Legislation), which corresponds to the issuance of the first issue of the Iraqi Al-Waqa’i newspaper on January 15, 1922, in which ministries and entities not associated with a ministry and all government institutions, the Iraqi Bar Association and the Iraqi Jurists’ Union celebrate, and conferences and seminars are held dealing with the beginnings of legal legislation in the world starting from Mesopotamia from more than 4000 years ago to the present day, hosting and honoring the pioneers of legal figures in Iraq and university professors, experts or general managers, who have an impact on the legislation issued and in force, and honoring distinguished legal employees.
    The Council voted to approve the amendment of Paragraph (1) of Cabinet Resolution (23299 of 2023), to become according to the following:
    Obligating ministries and entities not associated with the Ministry and the security and military agencies to donate colored metals, weapons and military equipment out of service to the Military Industrialization Authority without a price, with the exception of companies The Ministry of Industry and Minerals with regard to copper, and with regard to iron scrap, work will continue in accordance with Cabinet Resolution (42 of 2017).
    In the field of supporting Iraq's hosting of football tournaments, the Council of Ministers decided to amend its decision No. (23215) for the year 2023, according to the request of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, by adding: (and the upcoming football tournaments for the year 2023).
    Meanwhile, the Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia al-Sudani, discussed the situation in Kirkuk with Parliament Speaker Muhammad Rikan al-Halbousi and the President of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Pavel Talabani, stressing the importance of missing the opportunity for all attempts to abuse the province, while he sponsored the signing of an agreement with the International Finance Corporation to develop And the rehabilitation of Baghdad International Airport, received the final report of assessments of cybersecurity threats in Iraq.
    And the media office of the Prime Minister stated in a statement: “Prime Minister Muhammad Shia’ al-Sudani made two phone calls to discuss the situation in Kirkuk Governorate, with Parliament Speaker Muhammad Rikan al-Halbousi and the President of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Pavel Talabani.”
    He added, "The two calls witnessed a joint affirmation of the importance of missing the opportunity for all attempts to harm the stability and peaceful coexistence that the city of Kirkuk enjoys, and what has been proven by the efforts of its honorable people of all sects, and the sacrifices of our armed forces of all kinds while defeating the remnants of terrorism."
    Meanwhile, the media office of the Prime Minister stated in a statement: “Prime Minister Muhammad Shia’ al-Sudani sponsored the signing of a pioneering agreement with the International Finance Corporation / IFC, to develop and rehabilitate Baghdad International Airport, where the Director General of the Civil Aviation Authority signed on behalf of the Iraqi side.” .
    He added, "The agreement includes the provision of an integrated investment portfolio by the international corporation that includes how the international airport is expanded, financed, operated and maintained, and the efficiency of its facilities and safety factors is raised, and its services are upgraded to comply with international standards for airports in the world, through a specialized international company."
    He explained that "the agreement includes that the International Finance Corporation, which is a member of the World Bank Group, provide consultations on the path of developing the role of the private sector, and strengthening its entry into the arena of public services in partnership with the public sector, and sectors that face future challenges."
    He continued, “The International Finance Corporation has pioneering experiences in the region and the world in the field of airport rehabilitation, as it previously supervised the development and expansion of the most important airports in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Turkey, as well as Queen Alia International Airport in the Jordanian capital, Amman.”
    The Prime Minister stressed, according to the statement: “This agreement is one of a series of agreements that will be concluded with the private sector, which will take the role of partner in developing infrastructure for various vital sectors in Iraq, within an economic vision that extends to 2030, that enhances the infrastructure needed for development.” sustainable Iraqi economy.
    He pointed out that “the government has given importance to the Baghdad International Airport file; Because it represents a civilized interface that represents Iraq and its people, and this falls within the framework of an integrated vision that includes all airports and is also based on diversifying means of transport and interconnection with countries in the region and the world.
    In addition, the Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia' al-Sudani, affirmed that Iraq is continuing to implement the cybersecurity strategy, which was approved in 2022 in the Ministerial Council for National Security.
    A statement by the media office of the Prime Minister, received by Al-Zawraa, stated: “Prime Minister Muhammad Shia’a Al-Sudani received the commander of the NATO mission in Iraq, General Jose Antonio Martinez and his accompanying delegation.”
    He pointed out, "During the meeting, the progress of the mission's mission was reviewed, and the reality of cooperation with the Iraqi armed forces in the areas of training and advice, and the growth of the field and effective capabilities of our armed forces of all kinds, as well as their ongoing operations to pursue the remnants and remnants of terrorism."
    The statement continued, "The mission submitted to the Prime Minister the final report of assessments of cybersecurity threats in Iraq."
    The Prime Minister expressed his appreciation for the work of the mission, stressing that “Iraq is continuing to implement the cybersecurity strategy, which was approved in 2022 by the Ministerial Council for National Security, and it has also formed a higher committee for cybersecurity in order to coordinate and intensify efforts between the various stakeholders.”[/size]
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