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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliamentary Finance: Ministries of Education and Health in the most number of grades in the budget

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277658
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Parliamentary Finance: Ministries of Education and Health in the most number of grades in the budget Empty Parliamentary Finance: Ministries of Education and Health in the most number of grades in the budget

    Post by Rocky Wed 01 Oct 2014, 12:08 pm

    Parliamentary Finance: Ministries of Education and Health in the most number of grades in the budget 

    Tomorrow's Press / Baghdad confirmed the interim head of the Finance Committee MP Magda al-Tamimi, Wednesday, that the Ministries of Education and Health ministries of the most devoted her job grades in the 2014 budget.
    She said Tamimi's "Tomorrow's Press," "The file security, defense and displaced from files that have priority in the public budget allocations," stating, "We are trying as much as possible to keep the budget in job grades for the current year."
    "When I presented the budget from the outset they contain 37 000 degrees and careers, there is a high probability that the scores remained and did not delete", adding that "there is a possibility also that the remaining grades, but without the financial allocation, it can be for us to take names and run applications and be customization to 2015. "
    She Tamimi that "the government ministries demanded varying functional except for some of the ministries that have a surplus of contracts called for them confirmation," noting that "the largest percentage, which demanded varying functional are the Ministries of Education and Health, the fact that the health of appointment and the central and grades of medical required."
    It is noteworthy that the state budget for the current year has not yet recognize that since the government sent nearly six months to the former House of Representatives have not been included on the agenda, while the Presidency procrastinated in the past included due to lack of agreement of the political blocs on them.

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