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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Al-Sudani: Within two years, we will depend on Iraqi gas to operate power stations

    Admin Assist
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    Al-Sudani: Within two years, we will depend on Iraqi gas to operate power stations Empty Al-Sudani: Within two years, we will depend on Iraqi gas to operate power stations

    Post by Rocky Fri 22 Sep 2023, 2:11 pm

    Al-Sudani: Within two years, we will depend on Iraqi gas to operate power stations

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    Economy News - Baghdad
    Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani said on Thursday that within two years, Iraqi gas will be relied upon to operate power stations. While he indicated work to diversify the sources of the economy, he stressed that Iraq needs “the support of friends” in fighting corruption and recovering money and wanted persons.
    Below are the highlights of the press interview that Al-Sudani conducted in New York with the American CNN network, according to a statement from his media office:
    Iraq is an influential country in the energy market, and there are many opportunities for American companies to work in various sectors.
    - Our government established, in less than a year, complete energy independence, through Total projects, the fifth round, and national effort projects.
    Within two years, we will rely on Iraqi gas to operate power stations.
    We possess large reserves of natural and associated gas, and our economic plan aims to make Iraq an active country in the global energy market.
    We are working to diversify the sources of our economy, gas investment, and financial revenues. To activate the agricultural, industrial and commercial sectors. 
    We have the potential to increase oil production, but this is subject to a deliberate policy within Iraq, and with our brothers and friends in OPEC.
    We are working to change the stereotypical image of exploiting wealth in Iraq, and to go for the optimal investment of oil and its revenues in developing important sectors.
    - Cooperation with developed countries and with the United States as a strategic partner for Iraq will contribute to the success of this economic transformation.
    - Our people are waiting for the desired reform to be achieved, in an economy that the Iraqi state has followed for many decades.
    - Corruption is a real challenge facing the Iraqi state, and we are working to target it according to legal procedures.
    We need the support of friends in fighting corruption and recovering money and wanted persons who exploit their second nationalities, and the international community must support Iraq in this endeavor.
    Climate change represents an existential threat to Iraq, and we have adopted a national strategy to combat pollution, extending to 2035.
    We identified the importance of addressing the impacts, starting from investing in the gas that is burned, all the way to renewable energy.
    We need the support of the international community in combating the effects of climate change, and we have not found any trace of the work of international institutions concerned with this responsibility.
    Water scarcity greatly affects the marshes, and the water level decreases in two large rivers such as the Tigris and Euphrates.
    We will call, through the United Nations platform, for the formation of an international bloc of countries in the region, Iraq, Iran, and the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, to confront the effects of climate change.


    Added 09/21/2023 - 8:24 PM
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