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    Washington requests assurances from Iraq to stop the use of its airspace and territory to support As

    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

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    Washington requests assurances from Iraq to stop the use of its airspace and territory to support As Empty Washington requests assurances from Iraq to stop the use of its airspace and territory to support As

    Post by Hkp1 Wed 06 Mar 2013, 10:12 pm

    Washington requests assurances from Iraq to stop the use of its airspace and territory to support Assad

    07-03-2013 | (Voice of Iraq) - Add a comment -

    Command inform Congress of the Revolutionary Guards fighting in
    Damascus, the Kurdistan Regional Government rejects the establishment of
    the leadership of the island forces in Sinjar

    Washington Mursi Ibootooq
    Baghdad cream Abdzaar
    Erbil time

    the U.S. administration of Iraq yesterday guarantees to stop the use of
    airspace and territory in the transfer of weapons to support President
    Bashar al-Assad, during talks between Deputy U.S. Secretary of State
    William Burns and Iraqi National Security Adviser Faleh al-Fayad, who
    was accompanied by a delegation of leaders of the Dawa Party, which is
    headed Nuri al-Maliki.

    Washington had asked Baghdad to
    preventing Iranian aircraft from crossing Iraqi airspace or use of
    airports during the transport of weapons to support Assad.

    inspect Russian planes and cross Iranian airspace towards Syria. The
    State Department announced the U.S. in a statement on the meeting
    between Burns and hospitality in Washington to discuss bilateral and
    regional issues, and shared commitment to a long-term partnership under
    the strategic framework agreement between the two countries.

    Burns urged the Iraqi government to ensure that the movement of any weapons to Syria through the airspace or territory of Iraq.

    U.S. side agreed to send a delegation to Baghdad in the coming weeks to
    discuss the Syrian situation in detail, and discussed strengthening
    cooperation on border security.

    Turning research into Iraqi
    politics, and the two sides discussed the importance of resolving
    differences through dialogue and provide Altnaullac and the need to show
    all Iraqi political parties greater flexibility to reach a consensus on
    measures to eliminate the concerns of the Iraqi people.

    his part pointed CENTCOM commander of U.S. forces Gen. James Matiz,
    yesterday that Iran is supporting the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad
    in his war against the opposition forces, revealing that the Iranian
    Revolutionary Guard directly involved in the war, and it brings warriors
    from other countries.

    And revealed Matiz lush U.S. military
    official in the Middle East, a statement about the conditions of the
    area in front of Congress for a silent plan in cooperation with the
    countries of the region, for rapid intervention in the event of the
    collapse of the Syrian regime.

    On the concerns of the use of
    chemical weapons, Matiz said he and despite the transfer of chemical
    weapons facilities safe, but that there is a growing concern of low
    secure those facilities, because of the war.

    For its part,
    rejected the Kurdistan Regional Government forces island developed by
    the Prime Minister and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces recently
    opened a command center in Sinjar.

    He has ordered the transfer of
    military units and ratios officers loyal to the area of ​​the island,
    which include Anbar to the border with Syria after receiving reports
    that military units stationed in the region is able to confront the
    militants who are attacking.

    The Kurdish sources said that the
    provincial government is concerned to find the Peshmerga forces besieged
    Tigris processes developed by al-Maliki of the contested areas and has
    set up its headquarters in Diyala, which has not been accepted by the
    provincial government also demanding a rerun to Baghdad.

    On the
    other hand officer was killed and two people were injured, one officer
    was wounded, yesterday, in a separate security incidents in Iraq.

    A source in Kirkuk that Bastakbarat officer Army's Fourth Brigade, a bomb targeting a military patrol southwest of the city.

    said the bomb exploded on patrol belonging to the Fourth Brigade of the
    Army band 12 on the road between Kirkuk and Tikrit within the
    administrative border of hand Rashad killing officer with the rank of

    In Baghdad, a security source said an explosive
    device adhesive civilian car belonging to an officer with the rank of
    lieutenant, exploded as it passed on the highway in the Ghazaliya
    district of western Baghdad, wounding him and causing material damage to

    Also in Baghdad, injured an employee in the Ministry of
    Higher Education and Scientific Research injured in a bomb explosion
    adhesive south-east of the city by car.

    The police source said
    that an explosive device exploded car adhesive employee at the Ministry
    of Higher Education and Scientific Research in its progress on the main
    road in the Zafaraniyah area southeast of Baghdad, wounding him
    seriously injured and causing material damage to drive.

    As a
    parked car bomb exploded near a police station peace in the village,
    Kanaos, northern Tikrit Salahuddin province, without causing casualties
    except material damage to a number of civilian buildings.

    5 people were killed, including 3 of the Iraqi police, yesterday, two separate attacks in Anbar province.

    a local security source said that a policeman was killed when a
    roadside bomb exploded under his car personal western city of Ramadi,
    the provincial capital.

    The IED exploded under a car in passing policeman area five kilometers west of Ramadi afternoon, killing him on the spot.

    In the same province, killing 4 people, including two policemen, were killed an armed attack in northern Ramadi.

    said unidentified gunmen traveling in a civilian car opened fire
    yesterday afternoon, from machine guns towards checkpoint police station
    in Albuaped area north of Ramadi, killing two of its members, as well
    as two civilians encounter they passed the place of the accident moment
    it happened.

    A policeman and a civilian were wounded when a
    roadside bomb targeting a police patrol in western Baghdad, police
    killed a leading al-Qaeda in Diyala province yesterday.

    police source said that a bomb exploded at the side of the road in the
    central district of Shuhada neighborhood district of Abu Ghraib
    yesterday at the passing police patrol, wounding one of its elements and
    a civilian marks the passing of the time of the blast, police said.

    source, who asked not to be named security force rushed to the closure
    of the scene, and transported the wounded to hospital.

    In Diyala
    province, a police source said yesterday carried out a security force
    proactive security operation southwest of Baquba, killing al Qaeda
    leader when he tried to escape, and the arrest of one of his aides.

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