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    National Interest: The American economy is drifting into uncertainty

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    National Interest: The American economy is drifting into uncertainty Empty National Interest: The American economy is drifting into uncertainty

    Post by Rocky Thu 09 Nov 2023, 9:09 am

    National Interest: The American economy is drifting into uncertainty

    National Interest: The American economy is drifting into uncertainty 12063

    Arab and international

    Economy News - follow-up
    A report on the National Interest website said that the American economy is drifting into a state of great uncertainty, in light of the presence of a large number of contradictory data and the emergence of unexpected geopolitical problems, in addition to the controversial debate regarding energy transitions, climate concerns, and the growth of artificial intelligence .
    He stated that most Americans are looking forward with fear to the future, its economic prospects, and the performance of political institutions, and he said that the great uncertainty is reflected in the continuing errors regarding economic expectations, especially with regard to raising interest rates and their role in pushing the economy toward recession .
    The report, citing a poll conducted by USA Today, stated that 71% of respondents believe that the US government is moving in the wrong direction .
    He asked: Will expectations of a sharp slowdown in the economy during the fourth quarter hold? He said that high interest rates are starting to "hurt," considering that the main concern is that the Federal Reserve's mission to reach the inflation target at 2% will lead to the collapse of the economy .
    The report added that the rise in interest rates led to a significant slowdown in the new debt market, but this situation raises questions about the corporate bond market that needs to be refinanced, thus putting pressure on the final results of these companies and its repercussions on employment reduction and increased bankruptcies .
    He reported that corporate default rates are rising, while the housing market is being hit hard by rising interest rates .
    The National Interest website says that geopolitical factors remain an important factor, especially if the war expands in Ukraine or the Middle East, which may have an indirect impact on the prices of oil and other basic commodities, and impose more inflationary pressures .
    The report adds, “There are conflicting data indicating continued economic expansion, as the labor market in the United States is still strong,” while most economists expected a decline in this market .
    He also pointed out that job opportunities will not narrow soon, even with the increased application of artificial intelligence and robotics .
    Regarding energy transformations, climate changes, and separation from China, the report considered that this constitutes a positive thing for labor markets and local American industries, but it said that what is important is to emphasize that the balance between continued growth and recession remains very narrow in light of the conflict between the government’s stimulus program and the US Federal Reserve’s tendencies towards more... From monetary tightening .
    The report concluded that the challenge facing anyone trying to predict the performance of the US economy is their ability to determine the correct direction, and said, “Our advice: fasten your seatbelt, as the journey through major uncertainty will become more severe, especially with the 2024 elections approaching. ”

    Views 14
    Added 11/09/2023 - 5:24 PM

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